
2012-11-17 9:49 pm

The signed contract reduces him to work for another five years.

回答 (7)

2012-11-18 4:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
Noun vs verb

"The signed contract reduces him to work for another five years."
In the above sentence 'work' is a verb(動詞) and. "to work" is an infinitive verb(不定式動詞).

To use 'work' as a noun(名詞), the sentence can be written as:
"The signed contract reduces his work to another five years." to give a similar meaning.

2012-11-18 17:06:16 補充:
To Badadg
My answer specifically only covers usage of the word "work" as a verb or a noun as you asked in your question. That is why I show in my sample sentence the use of "work" as noun.

2012-11-18 17:34:06 補充:
"The signed contract reduces him to working for another five years." is correct with the present participle "working" used as a noun-like gerund. It refers to his activity working in the next five years.

2012-11-18 17:41:04 補充:
To Badadg
My answer specifically only covers usage of the word "work" as a verb or a noun as you asked in your question. That is why I also show in my sample sentence the use of "work" as noun.

2012-11-18 17:50:11 補充:
"to reduce him to something" has quite a different meaning. eg His failure in the project reduced him to working for another five years (instead of the original longer term).
Another example is "The signed contract reduces him to working for another five years (less than his original term)."
2012-11-18 12:26 pm
work 用不用轉成 -ing form 的 working?
2012-11-18 6:36 am

我認為work 既可理解為動詞,亦可理解為名詞,因為 Poverty reduced him to begging. 來自雅虎字典,to 後的begging 是名詞,所以 work 絕對可以理解為名詞,而且意思依然清晰。而我不反對你改為The signed contract reduces his work to another five years." 。

按你回答的第一部分,to 後可跟動詞,所以以上例句可改為 Poverty reduced him to beg. 。

2012-11-17 22:38:03 補充:
此外,按雅虎字典的例句,原句亦可改為 The signed contract reduces him to working for another five years.。

結論,當reduce解作迫使時,這是其中一個可取的結構:reduce + 受詞 + to + noun or verb 。

2012-11-18 5:25 am

The signed contract reduces him to work for another five years.

A: Verb動詞
參考: me
2012-11-18 1:39 am
If For (another 5 years)
=For 5 years
=Reduce his work
=a noun if on doing job/task
Or if on making effort
= a verb.;
Then "work" will mean a noun Or a verb.
2012-11-17 10:33 pm
The signed contract reduces him to work for another five years.


是動詞(verb v.),

to 的後面用動詞。
2012-11-17 10:08 pm
在這句中, work是動詞 (verb)

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