英文作文改正 English writing correct

2012-11-17 8:08 am
我是 F5 中學生

之前寫了一篇關於 使用禁藥應否被判終身停賽 的英文作文, 形式應該是 辯論文.

但我交了後, 不但沒評分, 還寫著 Re Do ! 到底為甚麼會這樣呢?


Motion (自擬)

This debate is athletes who are found guilty of taking performance-enhancing drugs should be banned for life. In my opinion, I think the punishment is too heavy.

In opposition is should be banned for like . First, it would be lifetime band on athletes from the deterrent effect. Others did not dare to use drugs. Second, use of drugs is not fair to others. Because the game only once. Third, use of drugs will damage your health. It may shorten the life of yourself. Even if the win, also against their conscience.

In against is should not be banned for life. First, it will affect the future life. Such as they will no money for life, they will lose his girlfriend, they may commit suicide. Scond, it make the all of participants lose their wonderful event. They will feel that life is very boring, Third, this is a very serious spirit trauma. They may become lunatic.

Finally , I thik every participants should have second chance to join the competition. Athletes who are found guilty of taking performance-enhancing drugs should not be banned for life.

回答 (2)

2012-11-17 4:20 pm
✔ 最佳答案
This debate is regarding whether the athletes who are found guilty of taking performance-enhanced drugs should be banned for life.
In opposition's side, the dishonest athletes should be banned for life . Firstly, they should be banned, otherwise others will dare to use drugs. Secondly, use of drugs to achieve is not fair to other competitors, because the competition will be taken place every year. Thirdly, use of drugs will be harmful to their health. It may shorten their lives . Even if they won,it is against their own conscience.

In favour's side, the dishonest athletes should not be banned for life. Firstly, it will hurt their feelings and they will have no hope in their future,or even commited suicide. Secondly, it makes the participants lost their interests in the event. They will feel that life is very boring, Thirdly, they maybe suffered from a very serious trauma and might go cracy.

Finally ,in my opinion, it is not fair for them, because the punishment being too heavy. I thought that dishonest participants should have second chance to join the competition. Athletes who are found guilty of taking performance-enhanced drugs should not be banned for life.
參考: Partly according to ”The Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English with Chinese Transl ation” by Hongkong Oxford University Press1975
2012-11-17 9:44 am
It is because you are not talking about 使用禁藥應否被判終身停賽, you are talking why athletes should not take drugs!
Moreover, it is hard to understand your writing.

收錄日期: 2021-04-27 13:30:55
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