Does emphysema always progress?

2012-11-16 3:12 pm
I was told that I have emphysema but if I don't smoke any more that It will not get worse .
Is this true ? because I have seen people die who do not smoke

回答 (3)

2012-11-16 6:10 pm
I have emphysema and stopped smoking 4 yrs ago. It is a progressive, chronic, and fatal disease. Due to not smoking it will progress MUCH slower. Also, exercise as much as you can. I can't run or swim, but I take LONG walks. I avoid 2nd hand smoke, and allergies. I always take flu shots and a pneumonia shot. There is a chance I will live a normal life expectancy. Both of my parents died of emphysema. Dad did not take care of himself or quit smoking and he died very young. Mom quit smoking and took care of herself and lived to 83- of course she was not diagnosed as young as me.
2012-11-16 3:18 pm
There are three kinds of emphysema. Expect it to progress, more slowly since the smoking has stopped.
2016-02-23 12:03 pm
most of the time it does, can be fast or slow, but it's really hard to know for sure

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