empty cylindrical canister

2012-11-17 5:46 am
An empty cylindrical canister 1.50 m long and 94.0 cm in diameter is
to be filled with pure oxygen at 30.0 degree celsius to store in a
space station. To hold as much gas as possible, the absolute
pressure of the
oxygen will be 21.1 atm . The molar mass of oxygen is 32.0 g/mol .

1. How many moles of oxygen does this canister hold?

unit: mol

2. For someone lifting this canister, by how many kilograms does this
gas increase the mass to be lifted?

unit: kg

回答 (2)

2012-11-17 7:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Volume of canister = [pi x (0.94/2)^2] x 1.5 m^3 = 1.041 m^3
Pressure of oxygen = 21.1 x 1.01 x 10^5 Pa = 2.13 x 10^6 Pa

Use the ideal gas equation, PV = nRT
hence, the no. of moles of oxygen, n = PV/RT
i.e. n = (2.13x10^6) x (1.041)/(8.31 x 303) = 881

2. Given the molar mass of oxygen = 32 g/mol
Mass of oxygen = 881 x 32 g = 2.82 x 10^4 g = 28.2 kg
2012-11-17 7:18 pm
1. PV=(Mol)R T

2. 唔明你問咩

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