
2012-11-16 6:39 am

回答 (2)

2012-11-16 8:05 pm
問客人是否已Order完畢,還有沒有東西需要/Is that all? / Anything else? (這些是普遍的短句講法-相對正規英語看上去好像很不禮貌-但是英語waiter就是會這樣說的) 如何覆客人已order的東西/Let me confirm your orders: …..接著講出按他們每人每份的東西說出來

問客人需要的飲料的size/What size of the drink would you like?(這是長問法-甚少會用, 只會在order當時漏了問才用) 當客人講完某drink後(例如coke),即時的問法是:Small, Medium or Large (如果還有加大=Extra Large)?

如何告訴客人不收外幣/I’m sorry but we don’t accept foreign currencies. (這是長句)Sorry, no foreign currencies. (這是短句)甚至當你自己唔係英文好叻: Sorry, local money only.

如何告訴客人價錢及幫客人結賬/唔係好明這是甚麼?幫客人結賬通常是由客人主動提出的吧 – 你聽到check please(美國人的講法), bill please(英國人的講法),你可先回一句right away(=即來)便可以了。結賬的銀碼便照數字讀 – 唔係幾十幾百的fifty five dollars and fifty cents或two hundred and fifty seven dollars等無限可能都要教嘛!可以在前面加一句thank you for…$xxxx便可以了;如果是普通的餐廳$xxxx please.都是可接受的禮貌地告知要收的價錢。 問客人堂食還是帶走/dine in (eat-in) or take away/ (take-out)
I’m sorry, we’re closing – 如在門口未入來如果是已坐下你想通知不再加接order有個專有名詞叫last call / last order?用問句的語氣問便可以了(即尾聲高少少)或加多一個詞any last order?亦可以的。 如何歡迎客人然後問他需要點什麼/Welcome, please be seated, how can I help you? / What would your like to order? What would you like to have this evening/afternoon?
如何歡迎客人下次再光臨/Thank you and please come again.Thank you and welcome again.Thank you and hope to see you again.Thank you and look forward to serving you again.Thank you and I would be happy to serve you again.由普通餐廳至高級餐廳的用語參考
如何告訴客人我們沒有售買他需要的東西/I’m sorry we don’t have that!I’m sorry we do not serve that!I’m sorry we don’t carry that!I’m sorry we don’t have that you want! [留意不是what you want那種正規英語的句法的-原因是以客戶的角度設定這句的詞][記住一定不用sell這個字的 – 聽到we don’t sell that!代表英語水平低亦是對笿人不禮貌下逐客令才會這樣講的。]另外通常會接住建議你有甚麼可以offer – Would you like to have XXX instead?才算完成交代。

問客人餐飲要冷還是熱/hot or cold?另外有些飲品或可問with ice or without?
問客人帶走的食品有沒有需要先加熱/例如甚麼?Would you like to pre-heat it for you?
請客人在旁邊等待外賣/Please wait on this side (指向) for the take-away!
2012-11-16 8:13 am
1. Good morning /good afternoon/ good evening/ good night;
2. Please be seated; please wait and I'll find the table for you;
3. How many persons with you;
4. Please follow me/ Follow me please;
5. That's your table/ that's your table over there;
6. This is the menu and what would you like to drink first;
7. Please give me a call / Anything you want please call me ;
8. Are you ready to order / what would you like to order / what would you like to eat;
9. What would you like your steak, half-done,medium or well done;
10.What would you like your egg,scramble, sunny-side, boiled, half-boiled;
11.How about the food / how about the dishes; It is OK;(問對食物的滿意程度)
12.Is that finished;(問是否食完,可以將碟子收取)
13. Sir or Madam this is your bill;
14. Sir or Madam please go to the counter or cashier for payment;
15. Thank you for your patronage / Thank you for coming;
16. Please come again, good afternoon /good evening /good night;
17. We do accept any foreign currency.
18. Would you like your order taken out or eaten here.
19. Please wait outside for take out.
20. How do you like the tea, hot or cold.
參考: 根據yahoo智識網以前作者的專文資料及本人意見

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