
2012-11-15 5:14 pm
剛跟你聯絡,有關於我們的客人在我司的店舖買了貨品後,沒有在分期付款表“instalment application from”上簽名。使我司能把表格交回給你們claim 錢。煩請告知可否直接在客人信用卡內扣款?或有任何意見給我們公司處理。

回答 (8)

2012-11-16 1:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
剛跟你聯絡,有關於我們的客人在我司的店舖買了貨品後,沒有在表分期付款“instalment application from”上簽名。使我司能把表格交回給你們claim 錢。煩請告知可否直接在客人信用卡內扣款?或有任何意見給我們公司處理。


To the bank,
Just contact you about our customers in the Division I shop to buy the goods, there is no sign in the installments the table "instalment application from". Secretary to  can form to claim you money. Please inform the possibility of direct debit in the guest's credit card? Or handling any comments to our company.
2012-11-17 6:42 pm
To the bank,
Just contact with you, there is no sign in the installments the table "instalment application from" about our customers in the Division I shop to buy the goods. Secretary to  can form to claim you money. Please inform the possibility of direct debit in the guest's credit card? Or handling any comments to our company.

2012-11-17 14:40:05 補充:
To the bank,
Just contact with you, there is no sign in the installments the table "instalment application from" about our customers in the Division I shop to buy the goods. Secretary to  can form to claim you money. Please inform the possibility of direct debit in the guest's credit card? Or handl

2012-11-17 14:40:17 補充:
To the bank,
Just contact with you, there is no sign in the installments the table "instalment application from" about our customers in the Division I shop to buy the goods. Secretary to  can form to claim you money. Please inform the possibility of direct debit in the guest's credit card? Or handl
2012-11-16 11:24 am
To whom it may concern,

I am writing on behalf of my company. We have just contacted your bank about the situation that our customers who bought products from our company did not sign on the instalment application form. Therefore, our company cannot claim the payment from your bank. I would like to ask if it is possible to let the customers pay directly from their credit cards. Should you have any other suggestions regarding the situation, please let us know. Thank you

Best Regards,
___________( your name)
___________( your company)
2012-11-16 5:03 am
ToXX Bank,

------Futher to our enquiry today refering to the "missing signature" on "Installment application form" by one of our customers who have purchasted merchandise from us, we want to ask whether we could still submit the form to you to claim the money?
-----Inform us whether you could direct debit the said customer's credit card account on behalf of ourself without the signature,OR any other advice to deal with the problem.
2012-11-16 12:23 am
Dear Sir/Madam of XXX Bank,

We've just contact you before,
regarding our customer who was shopping at our shop,
but without signature on the "installment application from",
so it made us cannot summit it for refund.

Please inform us for the possibility of direct charge in this
customer's credit card? Or any comments for handling to us?


2012-11-15 16:35:20 補充:

Dear Sir / Madam of XXX Bank,
We've just contact with you regarding to our customer who was shopping at our shop...
2012-11-15 11:39 pm
To the bank,
Just contact you about our customers in the Division I shop to buy the goods, there is no sign in the installments the table "instalment application from". Division I can form and return it to you claim money. Please inform the possibility of direct debit in the guest's credit card? Or handling any comments to our company.
參考: google
2012-11-15 10:17 pm
To: XX Bank

Further to our inquiry today regarding missing signature on "instalment application form" by one of our customers who had purchased merchandise from us, we were wondering if we could submit the form to you as it is to claim the money. Kindly inform if you could debit the customer's credit card account without the signature, or any advice you could provided is much appreciated.

2012-11-15 14:17:58 補充:
..... or any advice you could provide is much appreciated.
2012-11-15 5:41 pm
To the bank,

I just contact with you regarding to my customer without signing the
"instalment application form" after purchasing the goods. Therefore,
the form cannot be sent it to you for claiming money. Would you tell me
whether you can charge the money from the customer's credit card
account directly without signing the "instalment application form" OR
do you have any idea given to us how to deal with this problem.

Thank you very much!

Best Regard,

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