I just feel like ending it all. why go on when my future is so dark? all hope is gone?

2012-11-15 7:40 am
i could really use someone to talk to

回答 (6)

2012-11-15 7:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
I think of John Profumo who was in the middle of the biggest media scoop of all time - His name was dragged though the mud daily in a story of call girls homosexuality and russian spies at a time when we were all pretty innocent - He pulled hi s life together from that and became a social worker in a deprived area of London - Whatever one human can come back from others can follow and the darkest hour is just before dawn - get help to get through this - Counselling is often free just go get as much help as you can that is steady and near by where you live. ending your life solves nothing learnign to deal with pain and shame and loss will stand you in good stead.
2012-11-16 2:54 am
Choose to live a happy life, no matter what.
What are your dreams? What makes you happy?
Open your heart to love, pursue your dreams.
What do you love? What do you want to be?
Do something that will make you happy, e.g. listen to music, love songs
The happiness will emerge when you keep fighting for happiness and your dreams
In love, you find joy
Who told you it is dark? Who told you all hope is gone? Don't believe it.
Instead, believe that you are precious in God's eyes.
Believe that your future can be filled with sunshine, that the sun will rise.
You can do and create wonderful things! Why no one else believe?
Life is precious and it can be wonderful if you believe it
Rainbow will appear after rain, so it means the good things will come and the rain will soon be over.
Keep holding on I am sure you can make it through
2012-11-15 3:49 pm
It's hard to answer when there are no details. Why is your future dark? why is all hope gone? What's happened?? Need more info in order to give a decent answer.
2012-11-15 3:49 pm
you shouldnt feel like tht no matter what happens no one shpuld ever feel like tht.Everyone has the possibilite to have a bright future you just have to be willing to look for it:))
參考: me
2012-11-15 3:47 pm
It will be as "dark" as you choose to make it.

You will make it become the "dark" nightmare you believe it will be.

Sure, bad things will happen in the future, you can't stop that; but good things will happen, too. Where you choose to focus your attention will determine the perspectives you choose to have and the attitudes you choose to hold.
2012-11-15 3:42 pm
WHY is it so dark?

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