Passive Voice

2012-11-15 5:05 am
Change these sentences to Passive Voice. please.
1.The thief has stolen my wallet.
2.Susan likes eating apples.
3.He eats an apple every day.
4.May's brother is very helpful.
5.He always gives help to the people in need.
6.He likes blue.
7.My father is a great designer.
8.My mum is very good at drawing.

回答 (4)

2012-11-15 11:15 pm
✔ 最佳答案
雖然答你等於害你,不過認識正確的被動寫法會對將來有用的…雖然有些要求被動的例子是不合理的(沒有英語人會咁講/寫passive的),以下只是機械性地改為被動式:1. My wallet has been stolen by a thief.2. Eating apples is liked by Susan.3. An apple is eaten by him everyday.4. Be very helpful is May’s brother.5. The people in need are given help by him always.6. Blue is liked by him.7. A great designer is my father be.8. Drawing is my mum being very good at.
2012-11-17 5:36 am
Sorry a , Cutibess and TOMING88.
But thank you for you trying best to help me.
Thanks a lot.
2012-11-16 1:38 am
Passive(Grammar) is denoting the form of the verb used when the subject undergoes,rather than performs, the action of the verb. See Active------> Passive.
Mechanically done,tomorrow(=TMR) in the future can't be 4 more days!
Mechanically A------->P verbs should be known denoting an action,experience,occurrence, or state,eg:-
(1)My wallet(has been stolen) by a thief.
(2)Eating apples (is liked) by Susan.
(3)An apple (is eaten) by him everyday.
(4)(To be very helpful) is May's brother.
(5) The people in need (are given help) by him (always).
(6)Blue (is liked) by him.
(7)A great designer (to be) (is my father.)
(8)Drawing (as a gerund) is something my mum being very good at.
2012-11-15 6:07 am
1. My wallet was stolen by a thief.
2. Eating apples is something Susan likes.
3. An apple is something he eats everyday.
5. The people in need is always given help by him.
6. Blue is something he likes.
7. A great designer is my father.
8. Drawing is something my mum is very good at.

2012-11-14 22:10:54 補充:
4. Someone helpful is May's brother (???)
參考: not 100% sure, but i've tried my best! :)

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