關於加拿大留學簽證問題. thx

2012-11-15 4:49 am
3.系咪唔需要寫study plan?


回答 (3)

2012-11-17 2:03 am
要俾好多野架, 成績表, Forms, 經濟證明, 等.

yes, 需要最近3年.

3.系咪唔需要寫study plan?


要成 6個星期

要提供銀行月結單. 稅單, 商業證記證 等.

希望幫到你, 如有其它問題可email我 [email protected] 大家交流下啦.
參考: 海外留學生
2012-11-15 8:48 pm

Studying in Canada: Study permits

To apply for a study permit at this visa office, you must be a citizen or legal resident of a country that is served by this visa office.

•Who should apply
Find out if you are eligible to study in Canada and if you need a study permit.
•How to apply
•Working while you study
Working on campus, co-op and internship programs, graduate assistants, teaching assistants, health care students, working off campus.
•Spouses and common-law partners
Options available to a spouse or common-law partner accompanying a student to Canada.
•Your children
Whether your minor children are applying independently or accompanying you, they have special requirements and may need their own study permits.
•After applying
How your application will be processed and how you will be informed of the decision.
What to do when you arrive in Canada.
•Returning Students
If you were studying in Canada and are now outside Canada, check here for information on returning to Canada to continue your studies.
•After your Studies
Do you plan to work in Canada or immigrate to Canada after your studies?

Special Programs

•Apply online for a study permit
If you are a citizen of, and resident in, any of the following countries: Australia, Barbados, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Iceland, Italy, Japan, New Zealand, Norway, Republic of Ireland, Sweden, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United States of America and Puerto Rico (USA), you may be able to apply for your study permit online. Certain conditions apply. Please visit CIC to determine whether you are eligible.
2012-11-15 2:31 pm
1. See here:


2. It is best to prepared, although it is not explicitly required.

3. No.

4. It has to be original.

5. If everything is in order, you should have no issue after 2 weeks of the interview.

6. Each school has an estimated amount. Basically, you will have to prove either your family has such assets or income to support.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 19:06:43
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