ideal gas

2012-11-15 2:58 am
Consider 1 mol an ideal gas at 27 degree celsius and 1.09 atm
pressure. To get some idea how close these molecules are to
each other, on the average, imagine them to be uniformly spaced,
with each molecule at the center of a small cube.

1. What is the length of an edge of each cube if adjacent cubes
touch but do not overlap?

unit = m

2. How does this distance compare with the diameter of a typical
molecule? The diameter of a typical molecule is about 10^(-10) m.

Express your answer using one significant figure.

3. How does their separation compare with the spacing of atoms in
solids, which typically are about 0.3 apart? Express your answer using one significant figure.

回答 (2)

2012-11-15 4:12 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Avogadro's hypothesis states that 1 mole of gas occupies 22.4 L at STP. Hence, volume occupied by 1 mole of gas at 1.09 atm pressure and temperature of 27'C (= 300 K), by the ideal gas equation, is (1x 22.4/273) x (300/1.09) L = 22.58 L = 0.02258 m^3

Since 1 mole of gas contains 6.02 x 10^23 molecules, hence volume occupied by a molecule = 0.02258/6.02x10^23 m^3 = 3.751 x 10^-26 m^3
Length of an edge of the cube = cube-root[3.751x10^-26] m = 3.347 x 10^-9 m

2. The distance ia bout 3.347x10^-9/10^-10 = 33 times the diameter of a molecule.

3. Is "0.3" refers to 0.3 nm ?
The separation is about 3.347x10^-9/0.3x10^-9 = 11 times the atomic spacing in solids.

2012-11-16 1:06 am
1. PV=(mol)RT
P=1.09atm (unit should change to Pa)
T=27 deg celsius (unit should change to Kelvin)
Then Volume V can be found in m^3

=> L= V^(1/3)

2. L/(10^-10) multiples of the diameter of a molecule

3. similar to question 2.

This question is very similar to a MC question in 2012 AL Physics.

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