2012-11-14 10:27 pm
本人已回流香港5年, 離開加拿大前沒有申請NON-RESIDENT, 現在想申請會有問題嗎? 因為本人有在港工作. 我已沒有HEALTH CARD, DRIVER LICENSE. 只有一個BANK ACCOUNT未CLOSE. 如果現在於香港先申請, 怕唔怕? 謝謝,.

回答 (2)

2012-11-15 5:16 am
✔ 最佳答案

Non-residents of Canada

You are a non-resident for tax purposes if you:

•normally, customarily, or routinely live in another country and are not considered a resident of Canada; or

•do not have significant residential ties in Canada; and

◦you live outside Canada throughout the tax year; or

◦you stay in Canada for less than 183 days in the tax year.

If you lived outside Canada during the tax year and you are a government employee, a member of the Canadian Forces or their overseas school staff, or working under a Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) program, see Government employees outside Canada for the rules that apply to you. These rules can also apply to your dependent children and other family members.
2012-11-15 1:41 am
1. No.

2. No. The worst is CRA decides to audit you.

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 23:44:11
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