
2012-11-14 8:59 pm
小弟係十多年前(當年未夠18歲)跟隨父母移民加拿大, 入境地方係溫哥華, 用BNO.
父母已經完成landing程序, 拿到sin card. 但我自己就未完成就返回香港. (冇sin card, 冇landing)

我想問我可以點樣做先可以再次完成移民呢個程序? (今年已經過左18歲)

是否可以用特區護照入境, 然後再去移民局解釋? (如果係, 點解釋好?...因為加拿大移民局應該expect我地而家仲係溫哥華坐緊移民監)

是否有sin card就可以係當地搵工?


回答 (4)

2012-11-24 6:36 pm
✔ 最佳答案
小弟係十多年前(當年未夠18歲)跟隨父母移民加拿大, 入境地方係溫哥華, 用BNO.父母已經完成landing程序, 拿到sin card. 但我自己就未完成就返回香港. (冇sin card, 冇landing) 我想問我可以點樣做先可以再次完成移民呢個程序? (今年已經過左18歲)答: 有關的移民程序已結束; 若想移民加拿大, 須重新辦理。 是否可以用特區護照入境, 然後再去移民局解釋? (如果係, 點解釋好?...因為加拿大移民局應該expect我地而家仲係溫哥華坐緊移民監) 答: 由於移民程序已結束, 入境加國時, 只是一般的觀光旅客。 是否有sin card就可以係當地搵工? 答: 不對。所謂的SIN CARD, 是任何人士都可申請的, 包括: 學生、 旅客、難民…….等等。 當然, 加拿大人入職的時候, 是要出示SIN CARD(SOCIAL INSURANCE NUMBER) 登記 , 核證身份。正如上述所言, 任何人士都可申請領取SIN CARD, 而這類非加拿大人的SIN CARD, 卡的首個阿拉伯數目字是“9”, 這類人士, 除非另持有 WORKING PERMIT, 否則, 是不能合法地工作。 筆者, 加拿大公民, 現居多倫多
參考: 小魚槍手
2012-11-15 2:36 am
2012-11-15 1:57 am
Let me make it simple - you get the entire idea wrong.

Your Permanent Resident Card (known as Maple Leaf Card) is your proof of being a Canadian Permanent Resident and guaranteed entry (not SIN card).

Since at that time, Permanent Resident Card is issued manually (which you have to apply separately after landing), you probably do not have such card at all.

In avoiding any potential problem at the port of entry by CBSA, you should apply a travel document from the Canadian Consulate Hong Kong:


If you are able to meet all the requirements and a travel document has issued, you can use that travel document return to Canada and apply an actual Maple Leaf Card.

Using HKSAR Passport will only make your issue even more complicated.

As soon as you return to Canada, you can apply a SIN card by any document showing you are a Permanent Resident.

SIN Card is required for employment. But it is not a per-requites for employment (which means your proof of permanent residence can make you immediately employable, pending SIN card issuance).
2012-11-14 9:34 pm

Losing your permanent resident status

Your permanent resident status allows you to live in Canada, but there is a time limit on how long you can live outside the country. There are several ways you could lose your permanent resident status:

•If you did not meet the residency obligations you could lose your permanent resident status. To keep your status as a permanent resident, you must live in Canada for at least two years within a five-year period.

•If you are convicted of a serious crime, you may be deported from Canada and lose your status.

•When you become a Canadian citizen, you are no longer a permanent resident.
Note: If you obtained permanent resident status in the past, but have not lived in Canada for many years, you are still considered to have Canadian permanent resident status unless you have previously lost the status through a determination made by an adjudicator at an inquiry. If you want to travel to Canada on a temporary basis (i.e. to visit, work, or study) you must have a determination of your residency status performed before you travel to Canada.

If you want a formal determination of your residency status you must submit an application for a permanent resident travel document.

For further information on losing your permanent resident status and ways to meet your residency obligations, please see the Citizenship and Immigration (CIC) website.

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