
2012-11-14 2:26 pm
我就泥18years old......都系香港讀完334 (中6)
去到果邊因為美國唔認可香港既dse所以親戚叫我讀住high school/community college先..之前再升上4年既college.
我本身都知系香港完成左中六就唔可以讀public high school..
所以去報名既時候呃人話自己系香港出左泥做野..仲未完成高中..所以最後入左去public high school讀。
但系..果邊只系比我讀10年級...因為佢地話我系香港未讀過us history...所以要從10年級讀起...
但系聽人講讀community college只系讀2年之後夠學分再升上4年大學既第3年..
不過...我雖然有green card ...但好似community college既學費都唔平..同時地high school又唔洗錢...但要讀3年...
請問以我既情況讀high school grade 10 好定讀community college好??
我都想問紐約community college升上好既4年大學既機會大嗎?

回答 (2)

2012-11-14 6:55 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I really doubt that what you heard is the truth.

Due to your age (until you reach 18), your local school district will need to either kicking you into a high school or recognizing your previous education for further advancement.

The U.S. is one of the few non-U.K. and Commonwealth countries that fully recognizes Hong Kong-based public examination, such as HKCEE/HKALE/HKDSE. The only issue is they will read the result as it is, which put most of you will not make it to a typical 4-year university and end up with community college.

In theory, it takes 2 year to complete community college. In practice, it is about 2-3 years due to budget issues.

Financial aids are eligible to all legal immigrants based on need.

My suggestion - the more time you spent in high school, the more chance you are wasting.

I assume you are from New York City. In this case, all community colleges in New York City are under City University of New York. And all 4-year public universities are under City University of New York as well. So as soon as your result look good, you should have no major issue in transferring.

It will be another story if you want private schools like New York University or Columbia.
2012-11-15 4:55 am
Given that you graduated from a secondary school in Hong Kong, you are qualified to apply for community college and university directly. When you submit your application, you will be required to provide your transcript, HKDSE result and TOEFL score. For university, I would recommend you to apply for SUNY Buffalo, SUNY Stony Brook and SUNY Binghamton.

The City University of New York (CUNY)


The State University of New York (SUNY)


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