
2012-11-14 1:28 am

回答 (2)

2012-11-14 10:36 am
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Fawn (intransitive verb) = 奉承, 討好

Fawn 如果解 ”討好”, 本身沒有名詞, 只能用現在分詞 fawning 當名詞 (Gerund)

其他常用的字, 名詞是 Flattery

Flattery (uncountable noun) = 諂媚; 奉承
Saying I was best ever was an obvious attempt at flattery.

Sycophancy (uncountable noun) = 拍馬屁, 奉承, 諂媚 (這個字比較少用)

fawn, flattery, sycophancy 全是負面字

Praise, compliment 解釋不同, 是正面字
參考: Yahoo Dictionary
2012-11-14 1:50 am
fawn(v)on sb is to try to please sb by praising them or paying them too much attention.
fawn on/over sb is to praise someone and be friendly to them in an insincere way,because you want them to like you or give you something:-eg:-When high official was in Hong Kong he had the press a fawning(praising) all over him.

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