
2012-11-14 12:04 am

應徵 xxx
本人從十一月十三日的xxx得悉 貴公司招聘xxx,故特函應徵。
本人於2010年已完成學業 ,其後在xxx做了二年的採購跟單文員,負責幫公司訂貨,從中獲得不少寶貴經驗,相信對日後的工作有很大幫助。
本人希望能在採購行業發展個人事業,倘若有機會加入 貴公司服務,相信很快可投入工作環境,貢獻所長。

日期: 13-11-2012


回答 (6)

2012-11-16 1:12 am
✔ 最佳答案
Dear Sirs:

Candidates xxx
I heard that you are recruiting from November 13 xxx xxx, so special to apply for the position.
I have to complete their studies in 2010, subsequently xxx to do a two-year procurement with a single clerk, ordering is responsible for helping the company gain a lot of valuable experience, I believe that the future work of great help.
I hope that the development of personal career in the procurement industry, where there is a chance to join your company services, will soon be put into the work environment, and contribute their expertise.
Please find enclosed a detailed resume a the hope bestowed interview opportunities.
I wish a happy work

Applicant: xxx Yours faithfully,
Date: 13-11-2012
Attachments: Attachment
2012-11-18 12:23 am
Candidates xxx
I heard that you are recruiting from November 13 xxx xxx, so special to apply for the position.
I have to complete their studies in 2010, subsequently xxx to do a two-year procurement with a single clerk, ordering is responsible for helping the company gain a lot of valuable experience, I believe that the future work of great help.
I hope that the development of personal career in the procurement industry, where there is the opportunity to join your company service, will soon be put into the work environment, and contribute their expertise.
Please find enclosed a detailed resume a the hope bestowed interview opportunities.
I wish a happy work

Applicant: xxx Yours faithfully,
Date: 13-11-2012
Attachments: Attachment
2012-11-17 7:46 pm
Dear Sirs:

Candidates xxx
I heard that you are recruiting from November 13 xxx xxx, so special to apply for the position.
I have to complete their studies in 2010, subsequently xxx to do a two-year procurement with a single clerk, ordering is responsible for helping the company gain a lot of valuable experience, I believe that the future work of great help.
I hope that the development of personal career in the procurement industry, where there is the opportunity to join your company service, will soon be put into the work environment, and contribute their expertise.
Please find enclosed a detailed resume a the hope bestowed interview opportunities.
I wish a happy work

Applicant: xxx Yours faithfully,
Date: 13-11-2012
Attachments: Attachment
參考: google
2012-11-14 10:58 pm
DATE: Application for XXX I am writing to apply for the post of xxx as per adverstisement in xxx on 13 Nov 2012. I completed my (secondary?university?) education in 2010. For two year after, I worked as a purchasing order clerk responsible for the order process. I have learnt “many (what?)” valuable experience that I believe will be very helpful to me career. I wish to pursue a career in the purchasing sector. I am sure I can adapt to the new working environment and contribute to your company’s operation. I have attached my resume for your review and I will be grateful to be granted an opportunity for an interview. Your sincerely, NAME Encl. Resume
2012-11-14 7:43 pm
---------The Correct Informative Translation C/E on Letter of Application for a job-----------
Dear Sir,
To Whom It May Consern
Application for xxx
Having learnt from the Nov.13th that there will be a vacancy of xxx in the Company,I am writing to apply for it.
I completed my studies in 2012, joined xxx thereafter for 2 years under a purshasing clerk position; responsible for goods ordering;which earned me a lot of knowledgeable experience. I am sure that will be beneficial to the post for your Company.
Hoping to develope my own purchasing career in perspective,I earnestly hope that there is an opportunity to join the Company. I believe that I can be put into the working environment easily,contributing my skill and knowledge for the benefits of the Company. Enclosed please my detailed resume,and should be grateful and appreciative if you could grant me an interview.
Yours truely,
Applicant (name)
2012-11-14 5:27 pm
To Secretary or Dear Sir or Dear Madam
Application for Assistant
Having learnt on November the thirteen that there will be a post of Assistant in your Company and I would like to apply for it.
As I graduated in High School in 2010 and had been working in so and so Company for two years as an assistant in the Marketing Department to deal with order of goods. Owing to this, I have had the experience and knowledge in that field and thought that'll be beneficial to the post of assistant.
It is my earnest hope that if I could join in your Company and devoted myself to marketing; in that case,I'd be able to extend my skillfulness and knowledge for the benefits of the Company.
Herewith being my enclosed resume for your consideration and I'll be heartly grateful if you could grant me an interview.
Yours Sincerely,
參考: Partly according to ”The Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English with Chinese Transl ation” by Hongkong Oxford University Press1975

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