
2012-11-13 6:18 pm



回答 (2)

2012-11-13 8:35 pm

Employer Sponsored Workers
For people with recognised skills seeking to work in Australia after being sponsored by an Australian or overseas employer.

Professionals and other Skilled Migrants
This program, also known as General Skilled Migration, is for people who are not sponsored by an employer but who have skills in particular occupations required in Australia.

Business People
For people to come to Australia for a business-related visit. Also for people to establish, manage or develop a new or existing business, or invest in Australia.

SkillSelect is an online system that enables skilled workers interested in migrating to Australia to record their details to be considered for a skilled visa through an Expression of Interest (EOI).

Specialist Entry
For people to participate in specific professional, cultural, social or research activities.

Doctors and Nurses
Information and visa options for doctors and nurses who want to work in Australia.

Regional Employment
Information about options available to encourage skilled migrants to live and work in areas outside of Australia's major cities.

Skills Australia Needs Events
Skills Australia Needs Events are designed to help meet the current skills shortages in Australia. They allow skilled workers to meet with employers and state and territory governments about employment and sponsorship opportunities in Australia.

Air and Sea Crew
Information about visas and entry requirements for air and sea crew coming to Australia.

Seasonal Worker Program
Information for people from East Timor, Kiribati, Nauru, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu and Vanuatu seeking to work in Australia under the Seasonal Worker Program.
2012-11-13 8:05 pm
1. No. Australia is no Canada.

Australian immigration is stricter than Canada.

You need more than 2 years of work in order to qualify.

You can go through here and see what you are qualified for:


2. No.

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