Hypothesis Tesing(one case)

2012-11-13 10:06 am
An advertising agency was hired to introduce a new psychopharmacological product. It claimed that after its campaign, 40% of all consumers were familiar with the product. To check the claim, the manufacturer of the product surveyed 2,000 consumers. Of this number, 750 consumers had learned about the product through the sources attributable to the campaign. What is the probability that as few as 750 (i.e., 750 or less) would have learned about the product if the campaign was really 40% effective?

Would anyone help? :'(

回答 (2)

2012-11-13 4:52 pm
✔ 最佳答案
For the sample, μ = 750/2000 = 0.375

Hence σ = √[0.375 x (1 - 0.375)/2000] = 0.0108

Now 750 has a z-score of (0.375 - 0.4)/0.0108 = -2.309

So the required probability is P(z < -2.309) = 0.0104

2012-11-13 21:28:14 補充:
If taking p = 0.4m σ = 0.0110

Then z = -0.025/0.0110 = -2.282

The required prob = 0.0111
參考: 原創答案
2012-11-14 3:58 am
Should take p=0.4 as per question

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 23:26:26
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