What does "Shelling" mean? as in Military terms? 10 POINTsz?

2012-11-13 1:55 am

回答 (9)

2012-11-13 4:33 pm
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Good morning Jar,

I hope you had a great day. Shelling means a projectile delivered from artillery located on ships at sea or land units.

In Vietnam shells (projectiles) would be delivered using “155mm Howitzers” artillery. The 155mm Howitzers (since 1942) have been used in WW2, Korea, and Vietnam. Today they use 198mm Howitzers. Six (6) to eight (8) 155mm Howitzers is called a “battery”. Sometimes these 155’s would fire all at one time. The noise was unbearable.

Video below will show you the fire power. Each 155mm Howitzer unit is firing in volleys or about five (5) seconds apart. Turn on your speakers.


It is IMPORTANT you realize there are different types of “shelling”. Not all shelling is done to blow the hell out of a target using high explosives. There is lethal and non-lethal shelling. Some shelling is done for your own benefit and protection. Not all shelling is the same.

Sometimes the shells would contain “smoke” in order to create a smoke screen to cover your own soldiers on land or ships at sea. This type shelling is called non-lethal.

In Vietnam at night we fired a lot of “illumination” shells to light up enemy locations or unknown movement in the rice paddies and the hill sides surrounding our location, especially after a mortar attack. Some nights with no moon or new moon, we would continue illumination shelling all night. Ships at sea do the same thing to light up and locate enemy ships or unknown objects on dark nights. Again this type of shelling is called non-lethal.

There were shells containing “shrapnel” in order to kill enemy soldiers, and there were “armor piercing” shells used to destroy enemy tanks and ships. This would be called lethal shelling.

Then there was “white phosphorus” nick-named “Willie Pete”. This was lethal shelling of an area. This type of shelling is deadly to man, women, children, animals, plants, and anything around (like a whole village) via fire. Because of the dense jungles, this type of shelling was used a lot in Vietnam.



You and your family have a beautiful day. Peace, from Los Angeles
參考: I was drafted and assigned to a small but elite Assault Helicopter Company (part 101st Airborne Division….The Screaming Eagles http://www.comanchero.org/ ) located deep in the Mekong Delta near the Cambodia border during Tet 68’. I was a special forces Intelligence NCO, MOS 18F. http://usmilitary.about.com/od/enlistedjobs/a/18f.htm
2012-11-13 1:57 am
Shooting with Artillery.
參考: US Army Scout
2012-11-13 1:56 am
To bombard an area with artillery SHELLS
參考: knowledge
2012-11-13 1:57 am
Peanuts or pistachios.

Or like Artillery Shells.
2017-01-15 11:29 pm
Shelling Meaning
2012-11-13 2:07 am
Hitting the hell out of a target with artillery shells.
參考: I served for 7 years in Artillery and another 30 years in Small Arms and Artillery.
2012-11-13 1:57 am
Can't imagine, that's a real toughy.
2012-11-13 1:57 am
Bombing the hell out of someone.
2012-11-13 1:55 am
good question

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