What's this "new zodiac" all about then?

2012-11-13 1:45 am
Is it bs or do we pay attention to it? Are we all changing sign?! Not sure I'm happy with the idea, depends which way I'll get pushed I guess. Im inclined not to believe this, but interested in what it is anyway.

回答 (2)

2012-11-13 2:45 am
Nothing new but where the constellations are currently is not the same as what the fortune tellers us. See the link.

Astrology is a numbers game and the magic number is 12. This number divides very easy and with astrology everything has a pattern.

There are 6 of each alternating masculine and feminine signs. 4 of each of the cardinal, fixed, and mutable signs. 3 of each of the fire, earth, water, and air elements. Each sign has 2 cusps if they used. Every sign takes up 30 degrees on a chart. 30 X 12 = 360 degrees makes a full circle, the shape of the astrology chart.

If you add or take away a sign, that means a prime number. These can not be divided at all. Even sidereal astrology which does adapt the real current positions, does not use Ophiuchus because of this. Chinese astrology does not use the constellations at all, their signs last full years. But they still use the number 12 for the same reasons.

"Modern" western astrology is still stuck in the past and is still a made up belief system. No reason why nature should cooperate. Calendars, clocks, time zones, astrology, and time itself are all man made concepts.

Then again, all types of astrology are totally useless.
2012-11-13 3:01 am
^ Exactly which is why 11 or 13 signs couldn't work

All types of Astrology aren't useless though

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