EDL's Kevin Carroll Disrupts Remembrance Day Ceremony In Luton?

2012-11-12 8:03 pm
And one of his side-kicks attacks a disabled man laying a wreath at the war memorial! Is there no depths to which this vile group of thugs will sink?


Carroll, standing for the role of PCC, threatens to imprison disabled Green Party member if elected for laying a wreath of white peace poppy's. He has done this for the last 24 years without any trouble...until the fascist EDL rear their ugly heads. Green Party activist Marc Scheimann, who was there with his 4 year old son, had to throw himself over the wreath to protect it from these violent animals!

Still think the EDL are a nice bunch of young men and women?

Edit: Kit, I couldn't agree with you more! Glad we can see eye to eye on something.


Edit: Kit, I couldn't agree with you more! Glad we can see eye to eye on something.


Oh, I see, it's BFP Paul now is it? Good to see you've dropped all pretence of being a democratic patriot and joined an openly neo nazi party. The fascist BNP not fascist enough for you? On one of my previous Q's you defended the EDL thug who attacked and assaulted a 'We Are Norwich' activist for simply opposing those fascists, now you defend the contemptible Carroll after his attempt to desecrate a memorial to the war dead. At least your friends Baphomet and Rikstir are honest about their disgusting ideology. You still try to hide behind this facade of respectability. I don't think anyone is left in any doubt anymore about your vile perspectives!


Edit: Britpilot, excellent answer! Thanks. Very informative!


Edit: Britpilot, excellent answer! Thanks. Very informative!

回答 (9)

2012-11-12 8:57 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I do not agree with the laying of wreaths of white poppies, I agree with people having a right to express their feelings by doing this. Surely, the freedom of expression is one of the things that servicemen have fought for. As for this low life, cowardly bastard who assaulted a disabled man, he should face the full force of the law !
參考: Ex seviceman
2012-11-13 3:55 pm
Only a twit would get offended by someone leaving White Poppies. It just gos to show how brainwashed some people are.
2012-11-12 8:27 pm
Well all I can say is that I hope these disgraceful excuses for human beings don't get elected, and gets a harsh sentence for attacking the wreath-layers. Unfortunately, given the sorry society we live in I doubt that will happen.
2012-11-13 7:48 am
So he attacked a disabled guy ant threatened him with Jail (which a PCC has no influence on the courts anyway) just for laying White poppies (as he was of mixed UK and German heritage and lost some of his German family as well as British relatives) , what a Vile person

Could be worse, their "leader" Tommy Robinson aka Steven Lennon aka Paul Harris is banged up until at least May for trying to enter the US under a fake passport,

How can Carroll still stand for this? He is on bail for an attempted attack on a mosque last week, I thought the PCC candidates had to have a clear record!

Sadly they have sunk lower far lower. They have started going around with Radical US Dominists Christians,and now enjoy a bit of Gay Bashing.

Such a mess now the EDL you have splinter groups everywhere, the CxF (A bunch of military wannabe Neo Nazis) , the Infidels (NF links) and EVF ( modelled after the UVF) and of course the British Freedom Party.

Even with a turnout of 18% I doubt Carroll would get his depot returned at all there isn't much support left for the EDL, and well outside of Luton they have next to no support, I lived near Bedford and well everyone hates them

That green party thing was deplorable, they try to hijack the poppy appeal every year , even making their own ones with none of the money going to the Legion (for their own profit) , In Brum they managed to get the launch canceled as they wanted to "provide security" and I remember started harassing cadets who were selling them

@BFP Paul So I guess you are blaiming leftists for Tommys immigration fraud, or Carrolls arrest for going around in a box van planning to attack Mosques? Ooh hello Paul, got sick of Nick Griffin have you now?
2012-11-12 9:52 pm
I wasn't there so can't really comment on what actually happened, but if somebody wants to lay a wreath of white poppies then I can't see a problem. I always understood that the EDL was in favour of Remembrance Sunday, or maybe I have got it wrong?. From what I have read Marc Scheimann is a bit of a nutter, but would I expect anything different from a Greenie?.
2012-11-12 8:26 pm
Good on him. Men shouldn't be standing around sobbing they should be fighting. Those that are lucky enough to die in battle gain access to Valhalla.
2012-11-13 2:48 pm
EDL have always told us, " they are not the BNP!. which is true, they are worse!.
2012-11-12 8:58 pm
No he didn't

A police spokeswoman said: “I can confirm a member of the public did voice his opinion about a different coloured poppy wreath being laid at the remembrance. He was given words of advice by officers in attendance. No reports of disorder were received, no arrests were made and the service ended peacefully.”

Marc Scheimann is an attention seeking lefty, two years ago he was told by Luton Council not to lay his white wreath until after the ceremony was over, at the request of members of the public and the Royal British Legion.

Luton Royal British Legion president Don Woodcroft said: “The emphasis is on war. It’s a war memorial to the dead, not a peace memorial.”

Scheimann chose to ignore the wishes of Lutonians and ex-servicemen knowing that he was causing them offence.Then went whining to the local papers when someone reported his disrespectful behaviour to the police.

Here's what really happened,
If you've got evidence to the contrary, please post it....but of course you haven't.

Websites hacked, billboards defaced, and now this. You people have no shame.

.PMSL the BFP aren't Nazis of any description, where do you get your drivel from?
參考: Mark Scheimann and Weyman Bennett (UAF) give speeches in Luton 2009 http://www.socialistworker.co.uk/art.php?id=17742 Press conference with fatty Bennett and Marc Scheimann back in 2002? Seems they've been mates for a while. http://virtualstoa.net/2002/02/17/9811213/
2012-11-17 12:33 pm

"And one of his side-kicks attacks a disabled man laying a wreath at the war memorial! Is there no depths to which this vile group of thugs will sink?"

As a matter of curiosity, Wolfie, how do you know that the "drunken" woman who apparently tried to remove Mr Scheimann's tribute was one of Kev Carroll's "<i>side-kicks</i>"? A good many people take exception to the holier-than-thou white-poppy movement. There is no clear evidence, at least in the <i>Luton Today</i> article, that she was an associate of Mr Carroll, or even a supporter of the EDL. Perhaps she was just someone who had lost a relative in Iraq or Afghanistan and, rightly or wrongly, regarded the white-poppy wreath as unacceptably disrespectful.

Carroll's only reported action was to shake his fist and direct abusive comments towards Mr Scheimann. Inappropriate behaviour in the circumstances and it reflects badly on Carroll, but given that he and Mr Scheimann are bitter political enemies not entirely surprising.

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