Petrol Prices in America?

2012-11-12 4:40 pm
American citizens are complaining that petrol prices have up to $6 a gallon (£3.77),whats your views on that ?

回答 (3)

2012-11-12 5:13 pm
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Our vehicles also cost a lot more because of all of the safety and emissions equipment required by our government.
It's because of this added weight that our vehicles do not get nearly the fuel economy of some of the similar vehicles available in Europe.

Another frustration point is that we have the ability to support ourselves with the oil reserve, but we still opt to be slaves to foreign oil.

Lastly, which is the angle you are poking at - is that we aren't used to these high prices. The US government gives millions and millions of dollars in tax incentives to big oil and they do not pass the savings onto the consumer. That way of doing business is not looked upon kindly in a free-market enterprise system.
2012-11-13 6:22 am
be thankful cars dont run on bull semen that stuff would cost about $10,000+ a gallon
2012-11-13 2:23 am
Petrol/gas has not been anywhere near that much in America. It was up in the mid $4.00 range for a while......The current prices in the Northeast is around $3.70 a gallon for regular.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 14:20:01
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