美國讀business law回港執業的問題

2012-11-13 7:47 am

1. 讀business law 係英國/美國好?

2. 係美國讀business law 係唔係要入法律學院? 如果唔洗, 要讀幾耐可以畢業?

3. 係讀完business law 之後返香港要搞咩手續先可以正式工作?

4. 考conversion exam之前要唔要讀course?

5. 普遍香港公司多唔多請美國business law 畢業生? 難唔難搵野做?


回答 (2)

2012-11-13 12:38 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. No major difference.

2. Yes - in which you will need to get a Bachelor first.

3. You need to be admitted into the bar.

4. Yes.

5. You think too much. Getting into law school is more difficult than getting yourself a job.
2012-11-14 6:38 am

In the United States, most law schools require a bachelor's degree, a satisfactory undergraduate grade point average, and a satisfactory score on the Law School Admission Test (LSAT) as prerequisites for admission. Some states that have non-ABA-approved schools or state-accredited schools have equivalency requirements that usually equal 90 credits toward a bachelor's degree. Additional personal factors are evaluated through essays, short-answer questions, letters of recommendation, and other application materials. The standards for grades and LSAT scores vary from school to school.

收錄日期: 2021-04-16 15:12:34
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