租務 :拖租點收樓

2012-11-12 10:10 pm
家母有一單位租于一間公司多年. 一年前租約期滿後,在沒有續約的情況下繼續讓他交租及使用單位,可惜近期每月都遲交租, 由月頭延到下月中. 每次聯絡他都指出會遲些交租金.
Q: 是不是可一個月知會收樓 (這是舊租约保款) ?如果他不走,收樓有甚麼正式程序?如不想向法庭申請收樓,有甚麼其它程序?

回答 (2)

2012-11-13 8:15 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) if the tenancy has expired, you can ask tenant to move immediately
2) but you are suggested to give at least 14 day notice
3) under law, you should apply to bailiff office 執達吏 to obtain vacant possession. Pl get tenancy agreement, invoice, reminder, warning letter ready. 你租約必須有打厘印

4) in meantime, you may call police as the tenant is illegally occupy your house.police may not help but at least create troubles to tenant
5) the best solution is 扮慘, ask tenant to move ASAP
Hope the above helps
2012-11-13 10:02 pm

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