有關哲學的英翻中(已自翻) 感覺語法不通的地方希望高手指正

2012-11-13 6:40 am
So,if some person, Mary, were a "brain in a vat", whose every experience is received through wiring and other gadgetry created by the "mad scientist", then Mary's idea of a "brain" would not refer to a "real" brain, since she and her linguistic community have seen such a thing. Rather, she saw something that looked like a brain, but was actually an image fed to her through the wiring. Similarly, her idea of a "vat" would not refer a "real" vat. So, if, as a "brain in a vat", she were to say "I'm a brain in a vat", she would actually be saying "I'm a brain-image im a vat-image", which is incoherent. On the other hand, if she is not a "brain in a vat", then saying that she is is still incoherent, but now because she actually means the opposite.





回答 (2)

2012-11-13 9:31 pm
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(我向來比較主張翻譯要白話,要讓人看得懂原文要表達的意思。 所以譯者必須每個字都先搞懂,才能用自己的話表達,而不受限於英漢字典的解釋。)

這段文章有錯誤,從表示相反的 Rather 看得出來 she and her linguistic community have seen 是錯的,必須是 have never seen 或 have not seen,後面才會說, Rather, she saw....。

So, if some person, Mary, were a "brain in a vat", whose every experience is received through wiring and other gadgetry created by the "mad scientist", then Mary's idea of a "brain" would not refer to a "real" brain, since she and her linguistic community have never seen such a thing. Rather, she saw something that looked like a brain, but was actually an image fed to her through the wiring. Similarly, her idea of a "vat" would not refer a "real" vat. So, if, as a "brain in a vat", she were to say "I'm a brain in a vat", she would actually be saying "I'm a brain-image in a vat-image", which is incoherent. On the other hand, if she is not a "brain in a vat", then saying that she is is still incoherent, but now because she actually means the opposite.

所以假設有這麼一個人,瑪麗,是個 「實驗槽裡的大腦」,她每一個感覺體會都是透過一個「瘋科學家」所創造的線路和其他元件接收而得來,那麼瑪麗對 「大腦」 的概念絕不會是在講一個真正的大腦,因為她與跟她講相同語言的夥伴根本從來沒有見過真正大腦。

相反的,她所看到的,只是一個形似大腦,經由線路灌輸給她的影像。 同樣,她對 「實驗槽」 的概念,也不是在講真正的實驗槽。

因而,假使這個 「實驗槽的大腦」 說:「我是實驗槽的大腦。」 實際上她的意思應該是 「我是實驗槽影像裡的大腦影像」,那她就矛盾了。 反過來說,假如她並非是「實驗槽裡的大腦」,而說 「我是實驗槽裡的大腦」,那她依然是矛盾! 不過這樣一來,理由變成是因為她說了反話,把「不是」說成「是」。

vat 是裝液體的容器,但這裡不是指「桶子」,是科學家的實驗槽。

所謂 linguistic community 是指「用同樣一種語言的社群」,就是指跟瑪麗一樣是 「實驗槽裡的」 那些東西,所有經驗都是靠線路傳輸而來,根本沒見過真正的事物。

she would actually be saying 意思是 「她的真實意思會是....」。

then saying that 的 that 是指 I am a brain in a vat 這句話。

but now because...., now 意思是「如此一來」,指說了這句話之後,「那如此一來,理由則會是....」

incoherent 是不一致,就是有牴觸,有矛盾。 不要被字典 「不連貫」 的解釋綁死。

2012-11-13 22:57:14 補充:
2012-11-13 2:06 pm

2012-11-13 06:22:04 補充:
1、... some person, Mary, were ... 這是與事實相反的假設語氣用were,而非多數were。
與 ... if she were to say ...一樣。

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