What does fortune in Aries mean?

2012-11-12 3:29 am
I can find detail for the Pallas, Juno etc but nothing for fortune. I think it's a hard search term because of the other uses for the word... I am writing notes for my husband and I, we both have fortune in Aries, does anyone know what this means, or knw of a site that looks at fortune signs?

回答 (2)

2012-11-12 5:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
It means having to take a chance, stand up and take action
Here's a long description..
I have part of fortune in aries
2012-11-12 4:36 am
Cultivate courage, inspiration and patience. You have an abundance of energy and need outlets of activity--focus your energy and you self-determine your life! Your joy is found in courageously taking up challenges and leaping over obstacles. Your gifts are a keen focus and the ability to see your direction clearly. Trust your intuition.

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