Does, for example, "mars in Aries" mean the same as " mars in the first house"?

2012-11-11 10:11 pm
Sometimes trying to learn all this online can be confusing, and simple stuff that seems obvious may not be!

I know where all my planets are. I know what sign all my houses are. But is, for example, my mars being in Aries the same as "mars in the first house", because the first house is Aries? My ascendant is Gemini, so I I hav gemini in my first house, but would that mean that the planets I have in Aries are automatically in my first house too? And my planets in Taurus are in my second house, even though my "second house sign" is also Gemini? I know you can have empty houses, ie every one of your houses is ruled by a sign, but doesn't necessarily have a planet in it.

/bad at explaining things. Easily confused :-/

回答 (2)

2012-11-11 10:16 pm
no. that's not the same. the houses and signs are completely separate. the planets fall in line in the houses depending upon your birthtime, which determines your ascendant and midheaven. then from there, the rest of the houses are figured out and your planets just fall into them as is natural given the house system you're using.
2012-11-11 10:49 pm
No, no, no, no.

The sign is how, the house is where.

Mars is a man.

Mars in Aries is a tall well-built man who carries a gun in his pocket.

Mars in Scorpio is a sorcerer, inconspicuous but carries a lot of hidden power.

Mars in Aries in the 1st house is a tall well-built man who carries a gun in his pocket while going to the gym.

Mars in Aries in the 8th house is a tall well-built man who carries a gun in his pocket while going to the bank to settle his debts.

Mars in Scorpio in the 1st house is a an inconspicuous sorcerer with a lot of hidden power who likes going to the gym.

Mars in Scorpio in the 8th house is an inconspicuous sorcerer with a lot of hidden power who goes to the bank to settle his debts.

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 19:10:23
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