
2012-11-12 7:29 am
profit tax:
(1)accounting year ended 31/03/2012
year of assessment

(2)accounting year ended 31/07/2011
year of assessment

(3)accounting year ended 31/12/2011
year of assessment

我想知以上各個 year of assessment 系咩 同埋如果個basis period 唔系 1st Apr to 31st Mar of the following year,咁應該點計個 basis period啊...


回答 (1)

2012-11-13 3:12 am
✔ 最佳答案
In Hong Kong, the year of assessment under Profits Tax is for period from 1 April of current year to 31 March of next year.
If the accounting closing date is falling in a period of a year of assessment, then the tax will be charged in that year of assessment.

In your case,

1). Year ended 31/ 0/2012, the year of assessment is 2011/2012.

2). 2011/2012

3). 2011/2012

All accounting periods are falling in the year from 1 April, 2011 to 31 March, 2012.

收錄日期: 2021-04-16 15:13:49
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