急! F5 Probability 1題 05q2

2012-11-11 9:38 am
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回答 (2)

2012-11-11 9:40 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Let E be the earthquake occurred, V be the volcanic eruption
& E' be no earthquake , V' be no volvanic eruption

Given that P(V/E) = 0.8 , P(V/E') = 0.7

we know that P(V/E) + P(V'/E) = 1

Therefore, 0.8 + P(V'/E) = 1
P(V'/E) = 1 - 0.8
P(V'/E) = 0.2

Because P(V'/E) = the probability of no volcanic eruption given that
earthquake is occurring

Therefore, the probability of no volcanic eruption given that
earthquake is occurring is 0.2
2012-11-11 5:36 pm
Let E: earthquake, V:volcanic eruption

P(V|E) = 0.8, P(V|E') = 0.7

P(V'|E) = 1 - P(V|E) = 1 - 0.8 = 0.2

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