
2012-11-11 8:43 am





回答 (9)

2012-11-12 12:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
A 是 B 的關鍵


A is crucial to B. (crisis 其實就是『危機』=『要命之處』=『關鍵』)
A is pivotal to B. (pivot 其實就是『樞紐』=『關鍵』)

Happiness is pivotal (或 crucial) to our life.
2012-11-12 10:09 pm
"Happiness is the key to life"

2012-11-12 8:07 pm
Happiness is pivotal to life.
參考: James from Maine, USA
2012-11-11 11:24 pm
這不是一個語意通順的句子, 人生有悲歡離合、喜怒哀樂、生老病死, 怎能一概而論.
應說: 「快樂是成功人生的關鍵」
Happiness is the key to a successful life.
Happiness is the key essence of a blissful life.
2012-11-11 9:20 pm
Happiness is the key to life.
2012-11-11 5:44 pm

The secret of life is to be happiness.
2012-11-11 9:58 am
Don't use the Google translate;
Happiness is the-----the is definite article be used
key to ; not key of; not key of human ...
to life=to a blessed/joyful/lively/
life=being existence/life on earth
The translate C/E:-(do not use the Google,pl;)
"Happiness is the key to life."
2012-11-11 9:16 am
Happiness is key to human lives.
2012-11-11 8:50 am
Heppuness is the key of life.

2012-11-11 00:56:17 補充:
改一下,正解:Happiness is the key of life.【抱歉,打太快】
參考: 自己, 自己

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