Is Jesus Christ the only SON of GOD?

2012-11-10 4:06 am
Dear Friends. I don't read Bible much, because I grew up as a Buddhist believer. But after a serious sets of dreams involved in natural disasters and saved by an Angel. In dreams I talked to Angels, talked to GOD, flying high and even walked on top of water. This must be " CRAZY" because as the time it's reflected my believes. I kept wake up in the night and looked at the clock, which showed 11:11 pm so oftens which made me wonder why 11:11pm ?? Until one day ,I played on the internet . I saw the 11:11 Phenomenon . I clicked it and read all about it. Those people saw 11:11 Phenomenon had the same dreams as mine. ( mainly natural disasters ). After 3 months of intensive researched in books of Dreams, Angelo logy and books on real live Angels encounters I learnt how to speak and understand the language that Angel Communicate. They speak to us by 5 senses ( Visions, Thought, Feel, Sound, Smell, and also in Meditation and/or in combinations of first 5). I tried by praying !! They answers ALL my questions. Each time I talk to them I burst in tears .( These are the answers as they use their hands to touch our hearts, so we can feel their present or their answers
After a fews dreams on testing my strength and courages . I passed them all by rejected the temptations offered by the Satan. And even showed love to my enemy and defeaded many enemies.
I asked the Angel ( Archangel Ariel) about 21/12/2012. " Is 21/12/2012 is the day that will change the history of the Earth and Mankinds ? Archangel Ariel answered " Yes" twice !!

Two weeks later on the 27/07/2011 and 28/07/2011. I prayed to GOD and asked him . If he can prove to me of his existance is for REAL and make me 100% believe in him that he is a GOOD God. then I will leave very things behind and work for him. I was into a deep telephathic communication with him for continously 40 hours which he had proven to me of his existance is for REAL !! After that I believed in him 100% .On the second day after HE handed down the missions. I said to him " This is IMPOSSIBLE ! Dear GOD ! "You must be pulling my legs" !!!! HOW can I do this ? After all I am only a Human, an uneducated man ! How can I possibly accomplished the missions. GOD said :" I know , That 's why I am sending 7 Archangels to protect and guide you with your missions, When ever I need their assistance just ask !! And I also asked HIM . Why he sellected me? And put his trust in me to accomplish the mssions!! And WHO really AM I ?

On Friday the 29/07/2012 morning. I woke up with a terrible headache which last for 3-4 days and I also find out the " HIDDEN" meanings of my name !!

My real name : DUONG CHI DUNG.

DUONG Vietnamese means...Possitive....SUN... LIGHT....... CHRIST ( CHRIST is the LIGHT.) Chinese means....possitive energy....Pronounce as......JE. English means....dung.....S.H.I.T....Pronounce as ......SUS.


After researched and often speak to my beloved sisters who also my best friends and my Guardian Angels ( Archangel Ariel and Gabriel , I have learnt a lots of new things which are wrongly state or miss understood from the Bible).
I am D C Duong with the " SPLITED" soul of Archangel Michael . And so is JESUS CHRIST !!!!
The Angels are not only the Messengers of GOD ,but they are also childrens of GOD, becauce they also made up of Light energy .We are also GOD 's children which our bodies made up of " Earth" and our soul made of " SUN LIGHT". Therefore we ALL brothers and sisters with the Angels !!!! ( I have asked Archangel Ariel already and she answered a BIG " YES" !!!!!)
gy !! Same as GOD the SUN and GRANDGOD ....the massive SUN in the centre of our Milkyway Galaxy.

Love you ALL !!


回答 (13)

2012-11-10 10:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
There is not one single mention of Jesus in the entire Roman record - that is right - not one! At the same time as he was supposed to have been around there were a number of Jews claiming to be the messiah - all of whom are well recorded!

There is not a single contemporary record from any source and even the bible mentions of him like all other references were not written until many years after his supposed death!

He was supposed to have been a huge problem to the Romans and produced wonderful miracles but still not one contemporary record?

Even the bible mentions of him like all other references were not written until many years after his supposed death!

Pilate is recorded in the Roman record as a somewhat lack luster man but no mention of a Jesus, a trial or crucifixion that would surely have been used to make him look brighter!

At best he was an amalgam of those others but almost certainly never existed!

Celsus AD ? – 177 AD said that Jesus was a Jew who’se mother was a poor Jewish girl whose husband, who was a carpenter, drove her away because of her adultery with a Roman soldier named Panthera. She gave birth to an illegitimate child named Jesus. In Egypt, Jesus became learned in sorcery and upon his return presented himself as a god.
2012-11-10 4:17 am
No. Jesus was just a delusional asshole, God may or may not exist but is not one that judges its own creation
2012-11-10 4:11 am
yes john 3:16 for god loved the world so much that he gave his only begotten son in order that everyone excersising fait in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life
2012-11-10 4:08 am
I believe that in mormonism satan was jesus' brother, but he is the only son of God according to the bible.
2012-11-10 4:22 am
Jesus died on the cross for my sins and is the only begotten Son of God.
You should ask Jesus into your heart to be your savior also.
2012-11-10 4:08 am
Yes, Jesus Christ Is the Only Son Of God.
2016-08-02 5:42 pm
You have introduced up several facets, and after cautiously studying your eloquent point of view, I have to ask you the next question: have you ever researched the ancient and New testomony? Have you ever asked questions to the Rabbi, a Priest, or a Pastor? Overlook politics. Overlook fanaticism. We're converging with the mind. Listening and talking with out prejudice. You see, the coming of the Messiah was once prophetized many, decades ago. The old testomony mentioned it will occur. You have got to take into account: God's time is not our time. It additionally fulfilled one more prophecy: Christ would die for our sins of the sector. You say that Christ by no means said that he was the Son of God. He did. I invite you to read the Bible. Christ was once no longer most effective a best trainer, but he came to save lots of the Jewish people first. And he stated it a couple of instances.
2012-11-11 5:17 pm
everyone's definitions differs...
you can't help in that field...

I believe jesus was a highly realized being - a god-communion human - n hence the son of god...
all humans one by one - realize such truth - few tread upon this info n pursue it out of curiosity...
one's who realize the truth - are son of god...

but then - this is my way of defining.. you would have somthing completely different...
2012-11-10 4:10 am
TL;DR. First you need to show why there is any reason to suspect that some sort of god exists. Once you have shown what a god is and that it exists, then we can talk about if it had a son or not.
2012-11-10 4:07 am
God walks a razor's edge of necessity.
Justice and Mercy can be balanced.
You'll want to be on the mercy side of repentance/not repentance etc.

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