Eye Floaters and Small Lightning Streak that lasts for 2 seconds?

2012-11-10 2:32 am
Okay I'm a 15 year old male and I have alot of floaters and sometimes I see one sparkle of light that kind of looks like a small lightning streak that lasts 2 seconds in my vision then immediately goes away. So I went to an eye doctor and he said everything is fine no tear, no retinal detachment or any of that. all he said was that my retina was thinning or is thin and that I have nearsightedness and should where glasses

Also the small flash of light / lightning streak comes randomly on light surfaces like the sky or a piece of paper. (This is not constant I only see this spark come once a week or so

But all in all I'm really scared does this mean I'm going blind!?

回答 (2)

2016-07-11 7:34 pm
High Performance Tactical Flashlight : http://FlashLight.uzaev.com/?widc
2016-05-19 10:18 am
I'm 53 and had developed eye floaters about 4 or 5 years ago. The doctors told me that they're harmless, but whoever has had them knows how annoying they are. They also said that I could have them "burned off" with laser surgery, but there was no way I was going to "burn" anything off my eyes! So I kind of accepted that my floaters were there to stay.

Then I came across this system, and seeing that you were offering a full money back guarantee, I figured I had nothing to lose well I was wrong - I did lose my floaters!! Oh my god I still can't believe my floaters are gone and my vision is as pristine as it was 5 years ago!

Getting rid of eye floaters without the high costs & dangers of laser treatments?
2016-03-05 5:54 am
Cure Eye Floaters At Home - http://EyeFloaters.neatprim.com
2015-08-06 2:47 pm
This Site Might Help You.

Eye Floaters and Small Lightning Streak that lasts for 2 seconds?
Okay I'm a 15 year old male and I have alot of floaters and sometimes I see one sparkle of light that kind of looks like a small lightning streak that lasts 2 seconds in my vision then immediately goes away. So I went to an eye doctor and he said everything is fine no tear, no retinal...
參考: eye floaters small lightning streak lasts 2 seconds: https://tr.im/CIUNF
2014-09-14 2:56 am
Have you already tried using Eye Floaters No More process. Start on this website : http://EyeFloaters.NatureHomeCure.com . This might absolutely assist anybody!
2012-11-10 4:18 am
um are you dumb or what?
what about that sounds like you are going blind?????
there's nothing wrong with you other than the fact that you need glasses and you're a hypochondriac!
參考: i've had many eye problems from 4 retianl detachments, to glaucoma, to cataracts.
2012-11-10 3:38 am
I think some people have floaters more so than other people, not sure why.. If your eye doctor checked you, he probably dilated your eyes and checked, they can tell if there is even a small tear and/or detachment by looking. I have had the lightning like streaks, and just points of light, and also lights like coming from the corners of my eyes. Both of my retinas have torn, and were preceded by lights, but that doesn't necessarily mean that will happen to you. If you start to see lots more floaters, or dark blobs, or something like dark spoits (like looking through a dirty window), you should go back to your eye doctor, because that may mean a tear. As I have said, i have had tears in both my eyes a few years apart. They just do laser surgery, they numb your eye, they numbed mine with eye drops, and use a laser to sew up the tear, the actual procedure ,ay last five minutes. Both times went great, and I have not had any more tears in like 6 years. Tears can be fixed easily. But as I said, if you see many dark spots, just go back to the eye doctor as soon as you can, explain to his receptionist what is going on, so that they will get you in sooner, but they can fix it and you won't go blind. In fact my eye doctor told me that I could have more tears, but I just could get them fixed...althought I haven't had any more. i know it is scary to think about, but just be aware, and you will be fine. Honest.
2012-11-11 1:30 am
flash light in the dark background is really a bothering problem either you or eye docs
but if the flash of light happened with light source (not inner)
do not worry too much, it is mostly resulted from light scattering

Less than 2 % suffers of sudden eye floaters could lead to severe complications : Intense traction of retinal blood resulted from vitreous opacition can result in vitreous hemorrhage , partial visual field loss can be perceived by patients with covered one eye. Traction can also involve the central macular area, macular hole , directly treatening to your visual acuity. in these cases, retinal laser treatment or surgery would be considered.

However, most eye floaters will not cause any ocular complication. under comprehensive ocular retinal examination, most patients can live with eye floaters peacefully and offen can ignore it.

@Here are several signs of severe retinal desease remind you to seek for eye doctor help immediately!!
be cautious to these symptoms or signs , just keep alert.

## A large amount of eye floaters more than before
## photopsia (flashlight even in the dark background)
## visual field defect (segmental or total)
## very different vision than usual
參考: eye floaters information http://www.eyefloaterstherapy.com

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