In Yahoo Answers, what do starred questions mean?

2012-11-09 10:14 pm
On my stat page I have several starred questions that have already been answered. Why are they there ? Is it possible to delete them?

回答 (8)

2012-11-09 10:31 pm
✔ 最佳答案
It usually means the person who starred it likes your post.
It can also leave a reference so the person can find it to answer later.
The most upsetting is it can be used to alert contacts to report it.
You can not delete them.
2012-11-10 6:25 am
Usually a starred question means someone found the question interesting but it also is used to alert other users for numerous reasons.
2012-11-10 8:45 am
It means someone liked or found your question interesting. The starred questions on your stats means that people have starred your questions and no, there's no way to remove except the the one(s)
who starred it.
You can remove the stars that you added to other users questions, just click the Star icon again
2012-11-10 6:23 am
cause they find them interesteing.
2012-11-10 6:18 am
A starred question is not a bad thing.
It means that people have related to or thought any of your questions you asked on Y!A were interesting.
You can 'star' a question by clicking on the "* Interesting!" Tab at the bottom of the question and additional details.

And no, i dont think you can delete them.
2012-11-10 6:17 am
You can click on the star on the action bar if you think it is a good question. Questions with many stars are looked at by the staff for possible inclusion on the "best of answers".

2012-11-10 6:22 am
The stars are the equivalent of a thumb up on an answer, some one ELSE found your questions interesting and gave them one to five stars. WHY would you want to delete an interesting question. Some one ELSE thought your question was INTERESTING. If you are paranoid of some one ELSE starring YOUR questions, you may need professional psychiatric help. Once the question as been resolved or has gone into voting for best answer, NO, it is NOT possible to delete them. That's how YA works.

If you don't want OTHER people starring your questions, just stop asking questions on YA. I have not asked a question on YA for MORE than THREE YEARS.
2012-11-10 6:17 am
They are your questions that other users have starred because they liked them.To star a question you click on the star under the Q.

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