Parents: Do You/Would You Allow Your Children To Masturbate?

2012-11-09 8:51 pm
I personally believe parents should acknowledge that sexual urges (especially during teenage years) are a natural aspect of human nature, and masturbation is an appropriate manner of releasing them. It seems silly to me that so many adults perceive the act of masturbation as "dirty" or bad.

I am in no way encouraging anybody to masturbate, I am simply saying that parents should not condemn their teens for doing so - it's part of growing up after all.


回答 (4)

2012-11-10 1:19 am
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Get your daughter a toy and tell her everything she needs to know about it. Washing it before and after wash use, getting it wet, etc. personally I think masturbating is better then sex cause its safe. Be carful ;)
2012-11-09 8:52 pm
I believe you have a great view on this. Masturbation is better than Teen Pregnancy or STDs....solo sex is safe sex!
2012-11-13 2:02 am
In my family, we have brought up these issues with our daughter whenever we felt she was old enough to understand them, and we have never talked of masturbation as a bad thing. That would be stupid, as it's a very healthy (and fun) activity. It's certainly better for teens to be masturbating than to be having sex at a young age, and when it comes to time for her to go through puberty, I hope she will have a healthy and guilt-free sex life.

I bought a book for my daughter when she turned 9 years old - the book is called 'It's Perfectly Normal' that explains sexual issues very clearly for kids, and without any of the stupid prudery and demonization of sex that I had to deal with when I was a kid in the 1960s. I want my daughter to have a healthy outlook on sexual matters - I think too many kids are being brought up with nonsensical and damaging views on sexuality.
2012-11-09 9:07 pm
Pick & Choose, allowing children the room for self exploration is important for them to be able to have a healthy sex life as adults. If you can't figure out what you like on your own, how can you communicate it to your partner?
Children start self exploration at a much younger age than teen years. In fact it's been seen in the womb through ultrasound.
I strongly disagree with shaming a child for masturbating, although I've had to have a couple of conversations about how some things are a private time activity.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 19:05:56
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