
2012-11-10 6:56 am
然而,突如其來的一場車禍讓職涯計劃被迫中斷,在近一年的復健與休養中,除了準備世界商務策劃師認證 (WBSA)與專案管理(PMP) 證照外,並利用其他時間參與線上學習課程和各類的職能精進講座,以加強行銷與商業管理方面的知識。

回答 (2)

2012-11-11 6:50 am
✔ 最佳答案
Sudden a car accident, however, was forced to interrupt the career plans, and nearly a year of rehabilitation and recuperation in addition to the to prepare World Business Planner certification (WBSA) Project Management (PMP) certification, and the other time to participate in onlinelearning programs and functions of the various sophisticated lectures to enhance the knowledge of marketing and business management.
2012-11-16 2:59 am
Sudden a car accident, however, was forced to interrupt the career plans, and nearly a year of rehabilitation and recuperation in addition to the to prepare World Business Planner certification (WBSA) Project Management (PMP) certification, and the other time to participate in onlinelearning programs and functions of the various sophisticated lectures to enhance the knowledge of marketing and business management.
參考: google

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