
2012-11-10 3:05 am
我今年中四, 想將來升讀美國一d名牌d既大學, 所以想而加中學過去讀 :

- 係美國讀完高中再考果邊既大學, 係咪易過係香港讀中學考DSE再去(好既大學)
[因為我有fd話英美果邊既大學會中意收海外生多過本地生, 可能係香港考仲易]

- 如果想入美國好d既高中, 成績要大概如何, 同埋TOFEL / IELTS 要幾多grade

- 我而加中4, 去到可能都中5到, 會唔會太遲, 比唔比重讀, 重讀好唔好

- 而加果邊既中學會唔會多歧視

- 有咩好既升學中心介紹

P.S. 成績 : 我而加係Band1 頭學校, 全級前30名到.

回答 (2)

2012-11-10 12:58 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. Absolutely true. The major issue is grading system.

By the way, your friend is only correct when this comes to private schools. For private schools, they don't care about your status. But for public schools, they are required to provide priority to anyone but international students.

2. Each high school use different standard (unlike colleges/universities, there is no admission standard). So you have to check with each high school for detail.

3. It will be kind of late, given that half of the high school education has completed.

Repeat or not is up to you. The key is does that worth the effort.

4. You should worry about bullying instead.

5. None - as they are for profit.

One of the key is due to your status, you can only choose private high schools. In some cases, you may end up spending more money than you should.
2012-11-10 5:11 am

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