求因工作關係的英文退學信 (超急, 20點)

2012-11-09 11:14 pm
我本身報左個COURSE, 比哂錢架啦, 但係我岩岩轉左新工, 發現應該報讀其他課程會比較適合, 免得浪費時間。

我想諗個原因話因為自己份工非常忙, 差不多每天都要開OT, 所以好多時未做完野就要去返學, 最終影響自己係工作上的表現, 所以深思熟慮之下決定退學。

請問有冇人可以幫手寫一篇英文退學信比我呢?? 麻煩哂....因為學校0個邊話一定要有一個好合理既理由先可以考慮是否批我退學.....仲要有supporting ...

回答 (3)

2012-11-10 2:44 am
✔ 最佳答案







I am sorry, because almost every day I work, we must work overtime, often not the fortifications done going to school, and ultimately affect the performance of work, I do not want to give up the job, decided to drop out after I consider someI hope that the school would understand me, and refund, so I was able to concentrate on their work.Sorry for that!

Thank you very much for your cooperation.


(Fill in your name)
2012-11-14 6:38 pm
Dear ____________ (the person that manage the course),

I am writing this letter to request a drop-out of the current course (course name) that I am taking.

I am recently promoted to the sales manager (your title of work) of my department. I take up more responsibilities in my new position which requires me to stay overtime at work quite often. In order to be punctual in class, I have to rush to class without finishing all my work. Even though I enjoy going to school, balancing my job life and my school life is a bit tough for me right now. So after a thorough decision, I would very much like to postpone my studies.

Please take my current circumstances into your consideration. I apologize for causing you any inconvenience.
Should you need more supporting information, please feel free to contact me.

Sincerely yours,

Your name
2012-11-09 11:58 pm
Dear Sir,
-------The purpose of this letter is that I am unable to attend the course on(------) in its present form, due to the benefits unlikely to follow from the overtime my co. required everyday,which should be unfinished work to destroy my job to consider joining your course in time, if it were not backed up by school fees on condition that I've paid and deposited!
------A supporting letter from my co. are a significant proof of evidence.
------Can you provide me with some other new course information to suit my new job demands so much so that time is saved on both sides.
------Subject to these 2 modifications, I am prepared to ask for refund,changing to the said new course at the same time on a save-time basis.
-------Thanks for your cooperation.
-------Yours truly,

2012-11-10 12:06:11 補充:
to fortify myself for difficulties in lesson.

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