Help with how to read a birth chart?

2012-11-08 4:12 am
Sorry I can't post a pic of mine. I have an iPad and it won't let me :-/. Anyway, I did an astrology birth chart, and underneath it told me what all my planets were in, which is as follows:
Ascendant - Gemini    
Sun - Aquarius
Moon - Libra
Mercury - Aquarius
Venus - Sagittarius
Mars - Aries
Jupiter - Pisces
Saturn - Sagittarius
Uranus - Sagittarius
Neptune - Capricorn
Pluto - Scorpio
N Node - Aries.

Now, I see people mentioning "houses", are these the same placements listed above? Or is that a totally different thing all together? Also, if my midhaven is in Aquarius, would the imum Coeli be in its opposite sign of Leo? My descendent and s node are the opposite to my ascendant and n node I would assume. I have been into astrology and numerology for a while, but have been intimidated by actually reading the charts. So if anyone can see something in my chart I might need to know, by all means tell! Thank you in advance.
Birthday is jan 22nd 1987 in Dundee, Scotland.

回答 (6)

2012-11-08 4:37 am
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You have listed the planets and the signs they are in.
Except for the Ascendant, which is the cusp/start of the 1st house.
And the North Node which is a point in space where paths cross.

Yes, the IC (Nadir) is the exactly opposite your Midheaven. Same degree but in the opposite sign.
The Descendant is exactly opposite the Ascendant. The North Node and South Node are always opposite each other.

To read a chart, you need to know some basics:
1. Planets (Sun through Pluto) represent different facets of your personality, different inner needs. Know what each represents.
2. Signs (Aries through Pisces) form a circle called the "ecliptic". The ecliptic is the circle upon which the planets all seem to move along. As with all circles, the ecliptic is 360 degrees around. It is divided into 12 sections, called signs. Each sign is 30 degrees wide, and each degree has 60 minutes to it. Therefore, you can get a VERY specific point where a planet is ... 12:58 Aries, for instance (12 degrees, 58 minutes through the 30-degree sign of Aries)
The sign a planet is in indicates how that facet expresses itself, what behaviors you engage in to try to meet those inner needs
3. Houses (12 houses) are areas of the sky. The sky is divided into 12 segments, like an orange ... 6 houses are above the horizon, 6 are below. The line running horizontally across the chart is the horizon line, and everything above that line was above the horizon in the sky when you were born. The left side is the eastern horizon, and the right side is the western horizon. So, if you were born after dark, Sun in your chart would be below this horizontal line.
Houses represent different areas of your life.
A sign on the cusp/start of a house tells you the general way in which you approach that area of life.
A planet IN that house tells you that you try to meet that planet's need by pursuing that area of life.
4. Aspects. This is THE MOST important part of the chart.
Aspects are specific distances between any two planets in you chart (or any of the angles: Asc., I.C., Desc., M.C.). When two planets are in aspect, that means that those inner needs interact. Harmonious aspects create inner harmony ... when you pursue one need, it makes it easier to pursue the other need as well. Discordant aspects create inner stress .. pursuing one need makes it difficult to meet the other need.
Aspects depend on the distance, in degrees. Not the signs.

Buy "The Only Way to Learn Astrology" by March and McEvers. It'll get you off on the right foot.

Also understand that birth charts are a map of the sky at the time and place you were born. Therefore, you need to know your birth time as well as the date and place.
2012-11-08 4:22 am
The houses are the sections of the chart in which the planet resides.. Their are 12 houses ad ean sign accounts for 30 degrees. The chart is a circle so it has 360 degrees altogether.
Your 10th house is Aquarius, mid heaven is the beginning of the 10th house.
Your 4th house is Leo. You'll notice the planets in the chart make "lines" with each other, this are the aspects. If a planet is in more or less the same degree as another that aspect is called a conjunction. If planets are 120 degrees from each other that is a trine, 90 is a square, 60 is sextile, 180 is an opposition.
At the bottom of the chart is an aspectarian grid. Basically it lists the planets and degrees, the aspects each planet makes with another. The information is written in symbols mostly, so if you haven't memorized them yet you can always open a page for reference.
2012-11-08 5:05 am
This is the catch with astrology. Untrained "regular" people are not able to "read" charts. That means two things, seek someone to read it for you, often for money. Or take the time and expense to learn yourself. Either way you are taking a chance because it is all personal opinion based, no two readings will be the same.

Where your planets are and house placements are random and just luck of the draw. Good or bad, you are stuck with it. If you truly believe everyone has their brains programed like we are robots. I refuse to accept such a concept and let strangers make my personality. Based on a calendar.
2017-02-18 4:34 am
參考: Numerology Life Paths
2016-02-22 10:17 am
i can do bc reading
2012-11-08 4:25 am

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