English Grammar - Were, Did, Has, Have?

2012-11-07 12:05 pm
I have been confused by the following sentences.
It would be a big help if someone could explain the difference. Thanks.

She is going to have a baby.
She is going to has a baby.

Were you in London yesterday?
Did you in London yesterday?

Are you in London now?
Do you in London now?

Does Phil get a headache?
Has Phil got a headache?

Did Ann have a lesson yesterday?
Has Ann had a lesson yesterday?

回答 (2)

2012-11-07 12:19 pm
✔ 最佳答案
She is going to have a baby. correct
She is going to has a baby. incorrect

Were you in London yesterday? correct
Did you in London yesterday? incorrect

Are you in London now? correct
Do you in London now? incorrect

Does Phil get a headache? I'd never use this combination of words
Has Phil got a headache? correct

Did Ann have a lesson yesterday? correct
Has Ann had a lesson yesterday? correct
2012-11-07 8:17 pm
1) "She is going to have a baby."
With going you use the infinitive in the next verb which is "to have". Additionally "has" is the past participle (used in the perfect tense) and you're talking about the future.

2) "Were you in London yesterday?"
Were is from "to be" whereas Do is from to do. The former is also the past tense which is used because yesterday implies the past.

3) "Are you in London now?"
Are is again from to be. You don't "do" places in English

4) Either is correct depending on context
"Has Phil got a headache?" is if you're asking about this specific moment in time.
"Does Phil get a headache?" is not quite perfect but passable if referring to in general.

5) "Did Ann have a lesson yesterday?"
You do lessons

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