(eng好急)幫幫手翻譯.... 20

2012-11-08 5:32 am


回答 (3)

2012-11-08 5:56 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Translate C/E:simplified for clarity:-
Hong Kong is one of the highest rate of mobile phones consumers in the world. For every 1000 people in Hong Kong, there are 2216 mobile phones,since it can be used in a wide range of areas. It is expensive and bulky before mid-1990; only a few can afford it. The slashing cut price in the late 1990 has made it become one of the indispensable daily electronic equipment for modern age people.

2012-11-10 12:19:37 補充:
Hong Kong is one of the world which has the highest rates possession of mobile phones.
2012-11-09 8:28 am
Hong Kong is one of the world has the highest rates possession of
mobile phones, in an average of every 1,000 people have 2,216 mobile
phone in Hong Kong. Mobile phone, it can be used in a wide range
of wireless telephone. Before the middle of 1990s, the price was very
expensive, afford it only by the minority. Besides, because of the size
are huge, so they have in the title of "Big Brother". In the late 1990s,
the price of mobile phones are decreased rapidly, it has become one
of the essential electronics for nowadays people.

2012-11-09 00:30:42 補充:
應該係Hong Kong is one of the world has the highest rates possession of
mobile phones cities. 先正確!
2012-11-08 5:58 am
Hong Kong is one of the world's most popular place of possessing the mobile phone, which means that there are about two thousand two hundred and sixteen mobile phone(can be used in large areas) per one thousand Hong Kong citizens. In the nineteen ninety's middle age, the average price of mobile phone is relatively high, there are only a very low percentage of people who has the ability of possessing mobile phone, which has a gigantic size;therefore it is also called the Tai Go Tai in common. In the decline of nineteen ninety, the price of mobile phone decreased rapidly. Nowadays the mobile phone has become one of the unmissable electronic gadges for nowadays people.
參考: myself

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 19:06:00
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