
2012-11-08 5:26 am

topic mobile phone


回答 (2)

2012-11-08 5:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
Nowadays almost every people has a mobile phone. According to the reference to the HKDE, people ranging from 16 to 60 averagely have 2 mobile phone.
From time changes, ID phone take instead of cell phone. I-phone, Samsung S-3, etc appear sagurantly. But do you know the good or bad point of them. Let me introduce some to you... That's all for my presentation, thank you. 自己想, 幫你開頭only
參考: myself
2012-11-08 12:04 pm
Firstly, what do you want to talk about? Describing your own mobile phone? Or telling the history of mobile phones? Or the impact brought by using?

1st paragraph: greetings, attention getter, introduction
Attention getter e.g. Do any one of you have a mobile phone? How much time do you spend on it a day?...
Introduction eg: Today I would like to talk about the negative impact brought by using mobile phones...

2nd paragraph: First main point
Use words like "firstly", "secondly", "then"...
If you want to talk about the negative impact brought by using mobile phones, here are the examples...
Main point e.g. Less connection with family and friends
Elaboration eg: people spend lots of time on their mobile phones, and less time with family and friends
Support with information, eg: how many percent of mobile phone users agree that they spend less time with family friends after owning a mobile phone...

3rd paragraph: Second main point
Like the 2nd paragraph, but talk about another aspect

4th paragraph: Conclusion
Summary of the above paragraphs
and maybe you can repeat the Attention getter(1st paragraph)
after that say thank you...

Good luck on your presentation!:))

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