
2012-11-08 4:56 am


回答 (9)

2012-11-09 5:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
The mayor elected is a leader of panhandlers at most if he is not able to fix the economical ( or financial) mess.
2012-11-13 3:28 am
Hahaha PP, The frustration and disappointment make you want to wring someone's neck sometimes, don't they? Still fiery and passionate eh?

2012-11-13 20:54:19 補充:
Hey Panda:

For some reason I always felt you've been around even though you were not. That just proved my instinct was right. Hahaha!!! Good to hear from you!!!!
2012-11-11 2:26 pm
Hey old friend...all is well...the boy is enjoying life with full passion...and wow, what happened to your title? Guess 1 1/2 yrs can change a lot of things eh? I am more a visitor nowadays. I only answer questions that seem fun :D

2012-11-12 06:58:42 補充:
剛剛看了你發問的另一題, 居然將最佳給了一個不太好的翻譯, 所以我決定移除我的答案, because too many askers can't make the right choice...我不想再吃虧了...

2012-11-13 08:36:46 補充:
hello Jimbo,

It's not about wanting to wring someone's neck anymore....go look at the question I answered a few days ago...and you will see what I mean...
I have lost my passion for this forum long ago, but I do drop by often to see what masterpieces you and others have created

2012-11-14 19:02:10 補充:
Dear Jim,

Think you just love me too much that's what haha...

Dear Allen,

Very true, nowadays I feel much more at ease and no longer feel pressured to answer people's questions...it's great fun to read your answers tho
2012-11-11 1:05 pm
Welcome back (it's a LONG time!), Godfather of the Gang of Pandas. How's your baby panda?

2012-11-14 01:01:34 補充:
Panda's fingerprints are all over the place. Hohoho... (Guilty as charged?)

But I really recommend occasional visits than YK+ addiction.
2012-11-08 4:54 pm
Economy if you do well, elected Mayor on only GaiBang main fact ...
2012-11-08 11:47 am
2012-11-08 6:01 am

If the economy fails, being elected a mayor is nothing more than being crowned the head of Beggars Gang.
2012-11-08 5:26 am
選市長吧,怎麼變成 presidential election?
2012-11-08 5:10 am
If you cannot turn the economic up, you are nothing more than a king of beggar even though you win the city presidential election.

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