gce alevel+universities

2012-11-07 6:32 am
I am currently enrolled in the A-Level program, taking subjects which include Mathematics, Business Studies, and Fine Arts.However,l'm thinking to drop art.

If only 2 AL(maths and business studies)+Chinese
Can l enter to the top 50 universities in the uk?aim:manchester,sheffield,newcastle,cardiff ga planning degree programmer

I found that art is quite hard and not really interested in.I don't think my college would let me to do one AS instead because it's too late.
What should I do?
Should I undertake one AS subject?But I have no idea which subject(non-science)

Please give me some advice.


回答 (1)

2012-11-08 11:17 am
✔ 最佳答案
halo, 我係英國讀緊書, 希望幫到你丫=]

1) If only 2 AL(maths and business studies)+Chinese
Can l enter to the top 50 universities in the uk?

>> 可以話係難, 因為好多大學都係唔睇中文既, 而中文作為你既1st language, 佢地會覺得呢個對你黎講大易, 所以好多時, 大學都係唔會睇, 而你(technically)只有2個al 既話, 機會會唔大, 因為cardiff 呢一d 大學都唔係話冇學生 apply, 諗諗, 好多人有3科gce, 有一d 人可以有4科或以上, 你而家係同緊佢地compare, 所以一定會比下去既, 而同時, 如果你既personal statement 又唔夠突出, 又冇咩award 既話, 機會就可能再低d了.

2) I found that art is quite hard and not really interested in.I don't think my college would let me to do one AS instead because it's too late. What should I do?

>> 我覺得而家先11月, 你大可以揀其他科黎代替art, 再同學校講你想轉科, 咁會好一d. 但好多時學校應該都係俾你讀4個as 的, 所以可以同佢地果邊講番.

3) Should I undertake one AS subject?But I have no idea which subject(non-science)

>> 入大學唔係睇你有幾多個as, 而係睇你有幾多個gce, 所以我會建議你多take 一個as (i.e 4個as), 之後到左f.7 再drop fine art. 中文就當係第5個subject 會比較好. 而如果你唔要揀science 既話, choice 會少, 可以睇下geog 或psycho 諗唔諗你既.

希望幫到你丫, 有d咩可以再email我的=]

2012-11-08 07:31:59 補充:
oh well, I searched back the questions you have asked previously and realised you are in your course of A2 which you have not mentioned in ur question. In that case, still, 2 AL will not be enough to secure a place in uni. Most uni wun count chinese and is no very helpful for doing one extra AS
參考: 多年uk留學exp :]

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