Why do people like Obama?

2012-11-06 5:15 am

回答 (8)

2012-11-06 8:48 am
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Skin color.
2012-11-06 5:46 am
watch 2016 and you get your answer he as fooled us Americans. he is half black and half white that what the white and black peolpe like him for .
參考: fact from2016
2012-11-06 5:46 am
Because he appears empathic, like he cares. His appeal is his persona, not his accomplishments and/or experience.
2012-11-06 7:12 am
Beats the hell out of me they like to be lied TO and are happy to be installed with a OBAMACHIP ON MARCH 23 2013 WHICH IS PAGE 1004 OF OBAMACARE FORWARD
2012-11-06 8:22 am
Because he's a great human being.
2012-11-06 8:11 am
Because he is an intelligent man who has accomplished so much in his lifetime and he has so much more to achieve. He is a strong family man with a wife who supports his efforts and has started projects of her own. He is a positive role model that people both young and old can relate to.
2012-11-09 1:48 pm
Because he is so much better than the people against whom he ran. He is not great, but the others were awful.
2012-11-06 10:43 am
Well, when they read the article (put out on monday) about
a LOOPHOLE in his healthcare plan.... they will change their tune
about him. I speak of the loophole that allows employers
to hire part-time workers and have no obligation to
offer healthcare to Part-Time workers ! And ya know what
that means... goodbye full time jobs, hello part-time.
Obama KNEW this was in the healthcare plan !

收錄日期: 2021-04-20 23:17:44
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