

回答 (6)

2012-11-06 2:48 am
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English translation

"I enjoy strolling barefoot at the seaside."
"I would walk barefoot to the sandy beach everyday."

(Note that 'barefoot' is used as an adverb in the above sentences.)

2012-11-05 18:51:13 補充:
Correction :
'everyday' should be 'every day'
2012-11-06 3:51 am
I like walking barefooted at the seaside.
I also walk barefooted on the beach daily.
2012-11-06 2:00 am
I like walking on the beach barefoot.

I daily barefoot walk on the beach.
參考: me
2012-11-06 1:12 am
I like walking barefootedly on the beach
I will walk to the beach barefootedly every day.
2012-11-06 1:09 am
To deduct 5 from my marks!
(1)Translate C/E:-
I like walking on the beach barefooted.(adv)
=meaning going barefoot in the beach.

(2)I daily barefooted (adj) walk to the beach.
=meaning going barefoot to the beach.
2012-11-06 12:25 am
I like walking on the beach barefoot
I daily barefoot walk on the beach

收錄日期: 2021-04-16 15:12:33
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