中文翻英文 急~急

2012-11-06 2:27 am


Thank You Very Much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)

回答 (5)

2012-11-06 3:01 am
✔ 最佳答案

These chairs are in the front of the classroom.

p.s. in front of the classroom 在教室前 可能在教室外(走過教室)
in the front of the classroom 在教室內的前面部分
2012-11-10 2:38 am

These chairs are in the front of classroom
2012-11-06 7:18 pm
This Chair in the front of the classroom
2012-11-06 7:12 pm
The chairs are in front of the class.
參考: 我
2012-11-06 2:34 am
少了動詞,應該是These chairs are in front of the classroom.

收錄日期: 2021-04-30 17:09:54
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