
2012-11-05 5:48 am
A: where do you want to go tonight?

B:I'm going to christmas part.

A:What a coincidence! I'm going to there too.

B:what do you dress up?

A:I like elegant style. So I think will wear a floor-length dress and a high-heeled shoes.

B: I feel sexy style better than elegant style. So I'm going to wear vest and a miniskirt.

A: There is a big gap in our dress style!

B: Right. What do you think Sandy and Mandy will dress?

A: I think they will dress up same style clothes, such as plain blouse an full-length trouses.

B:Oh! I think that too.

A:Well,see you tonight!


回答 (6)

2016-01-16 3:07 am



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正妹視訊聊天評比【第一名】分秒精彩 《值得觀看指數:100%》





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她的身材超棒的! 配合度也很高,說什麼做什麼~

正妹視訊聊天評比【第三名】親愛的丫 《值得觀看指數:90%》






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"""再次提醒 未滿十八歲請勿點擊進入視訊網站喔"""

2012-11-09 5:39 pm
No offence to anyone:

floor-length (adjective) 拖到地的 = long enough to reach the floor (only before a noun) e.g. floor-length skirt, floor-length dress

plain blouse = a blouse without anything added or decoration

full-length trousers (or pants) = tousers ~ about half an inch off the floor

2012-11-07 10:34:12 補充:
真是有這些字, floor-length dress, plain blouse, full-length trousers (pants)
我想發問者:jen****** 不是自己創的形容詞彙, 因為字典有, 我見廣告上有.

2012-11-09 09:39:35 補充:
1. A: Where are you going tonight?

2. B: I'm going to the Christmas party at Tom’s house. (I'm going to the church Christmas party.)

3. A: What a coincidence! I'm going there too.

4. B: What are you wearing?

5. A: I like elegant style. So I think I will wear a floor-length dress and high-heeled shoes.

6. B: I think sexy style is better than elegant style. So I'm going to wear a vest and a miniskirt.

7. A: There is a big difference in our choice of dress style!

8. B: Right. What do you think Sandy and Mandy will wear?

9. A: I think they will wear the same style clothes, such as a plain blouse and full-length trousers.

10. B: Oh! I think so, too.

11. A: Well, see you tonight!

Sentence 1. Where do you want to go? 這樣問好像A和B一起外出,A問B想去什麼地方? 提議這句子要改,因為要在 tense 和意識上 match B的回答(第二句子)

Sentence 2. 單是 mention Christmas party不夠, A要知道是那個 Christmas party 才可以第三句回答 What a coincidence! 發覺他們大家同時去同一個 party.

Sentence 4. What are you wearing? 比較 casual 簡短問法 (適合spoken English)

Sentence 10.There is a comma, after so. You won’t notice it in conversation.

希望盡可能保持作者原意. Spoken English 结构比較簡短

2012-11-06 1:46 am
如果要按大體的對話內容來更正/更改或許如下: A: Do you have any plan for tonight? B: I’m going to the Christmas Party at Wendy’s. [意思是在Wendy家或由Wendy作主人家的party.] A: What a coincidence, me too. B: What will you wear? A: I like to be elegant, so I’m going to wear an evening gown (or long dress) with high heels. B: Oh, I rather be sexy for the occasion, so I’m going to wear tube top and miniskirt. A: Wow, our preference is quite different! B: Well, that’s fine. Everyone should be able to choose their own style. A: Yes, of course. So see to tonight, then. B: Sure, I’ll see you. Bye for now.

2012-11-05 17:51:27 補充:

1. dress up是隆而重之,花技招展,不是穿著甚麼。

2. a floor-length dress…我未見過floor-length來形容一種裙

3. high heels英語已經是一款鞋種,所以不會加shoes,或者high-heeled形容鞋。

4. plain blouse我想是你創的形容詞彙吧?full-length trousers (除了串字錯外)亦沒這寫法,是否有人會穿half-length, knee-length, 3/4 length trousers。
2012-11-05 9:05 am
A: Where do you want to go tonight?

B:I'm going to the church christmas party.

A:What a coincidence! I'm going too.

B:What do you want to dress up?

A:I like elegant style. So I think will wear full dress and a high-heeled shoes.

B: I feel sexy style better than elegant. So I'm going to wear vest and miniskirt.

A: There is a big difference between our dresses !

B: Right. What do you think Sandy and Mandy will wear?

A: I think they will wear the same style , such as plain blouse and trouses.

B:Oh! I think that too.

A:Well,see you tonight!

2012-11-05 8:21 am
A: where do you want to go tonight?

B: I'm going to the christmas party. ( 定冠詞 required )

A: What a coincidence ! I'm going to there too. (介詞 not required )

B: what do you dress up? What are you going to wear ? (or) How are you going to dress up? (present simple tense not suitable , unless you go to a party everyday )

A: I like elegant style. So I think I’ll wear a floor full-length dress and a high-heeled shoes. ( shoes – plural, cannot use ‘a’ )

B: I feel prefer sexy style to elegant style. So I'm going to wear a vest and a miniskirt.

A: There is a big gap in our dress style! Our dress styles don’t really match !

B: Right. What do you think Sandy and Mandy will dress wear ?

A: I think they will dress up will be wearing matching styles, such as a plain blouse and full-length trousers.

B: Oh! I think that so too.

A: Well, see you tonight!

B: Bye.
參考: me
2012-11-05 7:13 am
----Error and correction on conversational grammar.Conversations are informal chatting on colloquial communication. As long as you have the "dialogue" and exchange of views , it's okay:-------
B;- I'm going to Christmas par(ty).
A:- What a coincidence I'm going (--) there too.
A:- a (pair) of high-heeled shoes.
B:- will dress (up) ?
A:- ....an(d) full-length trous(er)s.

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