
2012-11-04 8:07 pm


回答 (4)

2012-11-04 11:03 pm
✔ 最佳答案
All of them are wrong.1. BN(O) is a nationality. The key is this is the only nationality you have.2. Not having a HKSAR Passport does not mean you are not a Chinese citizen. (Home Office will ask for proof from the Immigration Department that you are denied for a HKSAR Passport).So in a simple way to say, if you can't get a HKSAR Passport at all and you don't hold any nationalities beside BN(O), then you will be eligible to become a British Citizen.
2012-11-04 11:13 pm

英國已經通過了《Borders, Citizenship and Immigration Act 2009》新例,令所有英國國民(海外)身份持有人的無國籍人士,可以於2010年1月13日起,申請登記為英國公民(British Citizen)。

2012-11-04 9:49 pm
yeah, no problem, but with at least 3 basic (MUST) qualifications--

1. your English standard---proficiency and with profound English cultural understanding. ( simply that--could speak/talk/listen/read as good as native Englishmen; could understand their culture, slangs, habits, hobbits, ways of living, ethics, moral standards as well as their jokes.....
2. Good character background--at least with NO Criminal Record; your family not involved into or not involving into any illegal undertakings...of course, at least with No Criminal Record too....if someone in your family being jailed.....Sorry...you Fail !
3. your ability, talent, knowledge, skills, academic.....at least you have VALUE to them...they want some one who could make contribution. Not prefer 'get entry and apply for public subsiby such as most of the mainlanders'!

There are also other conditions too......

Are you qualified ?

2012-11-04 13:55:34 補充:
001 is wrong, according to the Data received, most of the succesful applicants staying in Hkg.

They only gotten a basic right to entry but most of them are lacking of skills/knowledge/ability/survival skills over there.

They can not ( not could not ) live there!!
2012-11-04 9:44 pm

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