Dementia disease, another name: ‘Alzheimer’s disease’, it is a brain disorders, it will occurs in old age, and the dementia will progressive resulting in long-term decline due to damage or disease in the body, dementia must be sufficient to interfere with daily life, it will effect patient forget many things, for example: money, language, praxis, gnosis, executive, etc…but patient may be remember long time ago things,dementia is not everyone will get it, now a day, we don’t knowwhy we get it, there are about 25 million patient and it can’t complete treatment, but we can prevent and reduce this disease.
Dementia is caused by damage to brain cells. This damage effect with the ability of brain cells to work. When brain cells cannot normal work, it will effect brain operation, it make brain product thinking, behavior and feelings issues. Because in the brain has many distinct regions, each of which is responsible for different functions, when cells in a particular region are damaged, that region cannot carry out its functions normally.
In 2005, dementia was 25 million people in the world, about 5 million new patient improve every year, so we can see dementia is growing fast, the patient of dementiawill double growth every 20 years, so in the Asia Pacific region, they estimate the dementiacase will increase to 64.6 million by 2050. Many dementia patients more than 65 years of age, in the prevalence of dementia patient age, a little people is under 60, but after age 65, the rate will double growth every 5 years.
The dementia effect patient many things, the patient issue are different illnesses and varying degrees of influence, the dementia will produce many daily life issues, the main influence is memory, because it will create many behavioral problems, example of some case, the patient forget a few hours ago things and where is he going, forget some people name and relationship with him, in other case, the patient just forget some memory, eg: 6-8 months history,