Should I buy Black Ops 2 for Xbox or PS3?

2012-11-04 1:46 am
What should I buy it because all my friends I play with are on PS3 and one of my friend says he will let me Gameshare with him nuketown 2025 zombies and all the map packs that will come out for Black ops2. All my COD's are on PS3. But Xbox 360 has better online community but I have no friends on Xbox 360. I also wanted to try COD on a different platform instead of PS3 because i dont have good games on Xbox 360 and I never play my xbox 360 but I will still get Xbox live gold

What do you think I should get it for?

No PS3/Xbox 360 "Fanboy" responses

回答 (9)

2012-11-04 12:04 pm
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Well coming from someone who has black ops 1 on ps3 and xbox :
The xbox will have slightly better graphics because the game will be ported to ps3.
You'll get the dlc for BO 2 a month early on xbox.
And the connection is better on xbox aswell as the frame rate.
So technically the xbox is better for the game and also there is kids on microphones on both xbox and ps3, before I bought a ps3 all the ps3 fans were saying there is no kids on headsets on the ps3, but there is.
But, since all your friends are getting it on the ps3, then i'd recommend getting it on the ps3.
It will be alot more fun and you'll b able to compare stats with each other in multi and zombies.
You'll get the dlc free from your friends, and you wont feel left out from your friends since they'll be talking to each other and stuff while your on your own.
2016-08-02 2:08 am
I'd prefer you get it for the 360 due to the fact there are ALOT of Cod players on the Xbox however what im thinking right here is that your Xbox would break down soon. On the ps3 there's a "o.K." amount of Cod avid gamers so would as well get it for the 360
2012-11-06 4:00 am
stay with the PS3 Treyarch already said that the PS3 and PC versions will not get a Port like they did with black ops 1 the only good thing about the xbox is that they get dlc first but who cares stay with the PS3 since your friends are getting it for it. But at the end its your choice im yust telling you whats best for you not been a fan boy its yust because you said all of your friends have PS3. Hope this makes you decide an sorry for all the spelling.
2012-11-04 3:00 am
Well i'd stick with the PS3. Your friends are on it and its not fun not being able to play with them. Now later in a few months get it for 360 and try it out and what not but trust me i own both consoles but im the other way around i play my 360 way more then PS3 and i switched away from my friends and hated it so stick with your friends for now.
2012-11-04 2:22 am
To start, I'm not what you would call a fanboy. I own both an xbox360 as well as a ps3, and a Wii for that matter. As for your dilemma, I would suggest asking yourself which you would prefer, playing multiplayer with your friends or strictly playing solo? If with friends, then get it for ps3. You could always get a used copy for 360 down the road if all you want is to "try it out" The only real difference between the two systems as far as COD is concerned is the DLC might launch a bit earlier on one than it does the other. That and of course the Xbox360 requires a paid service, PS3 does not.
2012-11-04 3:01 am
it depends if want to spend prestiging then get xbox if want to hack the top prestige then get ps3
2012-11-04 2:21 am
Get it for PS3,it runs faster and you can play online for free.
ps3 used dedicated servers,xbox doesnt.
also xbox live is filled with 9 year old wanna be gangsters that still beg for live codes.
2012-11-04 2:10 am
No, please don't buy Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 for PS3 because PS3 will get Yellow Light of Death (YLoD). But if you want to buy Black Ops 2, you should get Black Op 2 for Xbox 360 instead.
2012-11-04 1:56 am
Well, on the PS3 you're going to be putting up with a community full of silent 12 year olds running around being retards. Sure, it's a terrible community. But that will only be a problem when you're not playing with your bros, who you already have established commendatory with. Not to mention, free DLC that would otherwise cost another 30 bucks at least.

On the other hand, on the Xbox, you got a community full of douchebags and squeekers who don't know how to play the game properly and insist they're pro. And you'll have to build up a competent group of friends to play with from scratch. Also the Xbox version has always been the smoother version over the PS3. And some would argue has a better controller.

Personally, I'd stick with the PS3 because of the friends you already made there. And switching over to the Xbox will cause you to be split between two different sets of friends. Unable to play with your favorites from both sides.

But, from the sounds of it, you already made up your mind. You wouldn't have even considered the Xbox an option if you didn't want to play it on the Xbox. Go with what you want to do. Because ultimately what matters is your enjoyment of the game. Blam the rest.
參考: PS3, and PC gamer.

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