
2012-11-04 7:29 am
This essay explores the proposition that Walt Disney World is an amusement park whose form is borrowed from the pilgrimage center. Bateson, Norbeck, and Turner have shown that play and ritual together comprise a metaprocess of expressive behavior rooted in our mammalian past. Substantively both traditional pilgrimage centers, especially Mecca, and Walt Disney World are analyzed in terms of shared activities, symbols displayed, myths evoked, and tripartite time-space processes of rites of passage. The Magic Kingdom is shown to be a giant limen ritual threshold, which symbolically replicates the baroque capital. To go there is to engage in transcendent make-believe, play which is intended with deadly seriousness. The pilgrimage form has re-emerged as a place for grand play. Finally, the essay speculates that the playful pilgrimage is particularly appropriate to a secular, technologized society in which transition is constant.

回答 (2)

2012-11-04 9:04 pm
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這篇文章探討了迪士尼世界是遊樂園的表單從朝聖中心借來的主張。貝特森、 諾貝克和特納已表明播放和儀式在一起構成了 metaprocess 的表現力植根于我們哺乳動物過去的行為。實質上這兩個傳統朝聖中心,特別是麥加和迪士尼世界進行分析,共用的活動、 顯示符號、 誘發、 神話和三方的時間空間進程的儀式。魔法王國是證明是一個巨型移步換形儀式閾值,象徵性地將複製的巴羅克式的資本。去那裡是從事超越性幻想,發揮其目的是與致命的嚴重性。朝聖形式再度成為一個大玩的地方。最後,這篇文章推測頑皮朝聖特別適合於世俗的效應的社會的轉型是恒定的。
參考: Myself
2012-11-04 4:06 pm
本文探討的命題,迪斯尼世界(Walt Disney World)是一個遊樂園,其形式是借來的朝聖中心。貝特森,Norbeck,特納顯示,播放和儀式一起包括一個metaprocess的行為植根於我們的哺乳動物過去的表現。實質上傳統的朝聖中心,特別是麥加和迪斯尼世界(Walt Disney World)進行了分析,共同參與社會活動,顯示的符號,神話誘發和三方的時間空間進程的通過儀式。魔術王國是一個巨大的的閾限儀式閾值,象徵性地複製了巴洛克式的資本。去那裡是從事超然認為,發揮其目的是致命的嚴重性。朝聖的形式重新出現作為盛大的發揮的地方。最後,文章推測,俏皮的朝聖之旅是特別適合於一個世俗的,技術化的社會,過渡是恆定的。
參考: google翻译

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